Kansas State University


K-State College of Education

Category: Fall 2013

Program growing at K-State Olathe

Judy Favor teaches a course at K-State Olathe.

Location. Location. Location.

That’s what it boils down to for people in the Kansas City area interested in completing a master’s or doctoral degree in adult education – without leaving town.

One year ago, the adult education faculty offered its first course at K-State Olathe. According to Royce Ann Collins, associate professor in the department of educational leadership, there were 19 graduate students in that class. As of the fall of 2013, face-to-face courses offerings have quadrupled, and there has been a 65% increase in enrollment.

“This is the first opportunity we have been able to offer the complete doctoral program in the Kansas City area,” Collins said.

“And thanks to the vast skill set of our faculty, especially Dr. Judy Favor’s experience with recruiting, marketing, and growing new programs, we have experienced success.”

For more information, visit http://coe.k-state.edu/adulted/

NACADA consults at Qatar University

NACADA’s Charlie Nutt with Qatar University’s Director of Advising and Retention Selma Albelrahim Haghamed, NACADA’s Jayne Drake, Qatar University President Sheikha Abdulla Al-Misnad and NACADA’s Nancy King.

A team from the National Academic Advising Association, or NACADA, spent one week in Qatar where they evaluated Qatar University’s progress since the team’s initial visit in 2011.

Charlie Nutt, NACADA’s executive director; Jayne Drake, vice dean for undergraduate and graduate studies in the College of Liberal Arts at Temple University; and Nancy King, special assistant to the president at Kennesaw State University, traveled to The Gulf Region country Oct. 25-Nov. 1 that shares its southern border with Saudi Arabia.

In 2011, the team suggested that the university move away from its faculty-led advising program to a centralized program. Upon their return last month, they learned the university had hired 50 new advisors who are housed in the colleges but are trained and assessed centrally.

Their consulting relationship has been such a success that NACADA has been invited by Qatar University to co-host an academic advising summit in November 2014 for advisors throughout the Middle East.

Join us for dynamic iPAD forum & conference

The College of Education is sponsoring two iPad-related events on Jan. 15: iCamp is for educators; and iPad Initiatives + Implementation is for school district technology directors and administrators. The cost is $25 and includes lunch.

iCamp is an innovative and engaging technology conference designed to give educators an immersive experience that builds deep understanding of how students create, connect, share and collaborate with iPads. Two- and three-hour sessions will be offered as well as, an all-day session on iBooks Author and iTunes U.

Registration is open through Jan. 6th at https://smore.com/qax0.

The iPad Initiatives + Implementation forum will be divided into four categories: administrative, technical, successful deployment, and vendors. Specific topics include planning, purchasing, distribution and maintenance of iPads along with policy issues, staff development and curriculum development. Discussions will also include infrastructure considerations, management solutions and security issues.

For more information or to register for the iPad Initiatives + Implementation forum, go to coe.k-state.edu/newsevents/k-12ipad.

K-Staters shape NBC’s Parent Tool Kit website

Two College of Education subject matter experts lent their expertise for content on NBC’s Education Nation website http://www.parenttoolkit.com, which launched at the Education Nation Summit in New York last month.

Laurie Curtis and Lori Goodson, assistant professors of curriculum and instruction, contributed to the nationwide project. While designed for parents, Curtis believes this website is also an excellent resource for teachers working with students of all ages.

The website helps parents support their child’s work in the classroom by tracking academic success and personal growth from kindergarten through high school. It offers parents grade-specific curriculum information, additional teaching resources and ideas to add interest to subjects. The website also offers tips for parent-teacher conferences.

Kramer addresses end-of-year giving

Marty Kramer                      Director of Development

Marty Kramer, director of development for the College of Education, shares important information with alumni and friends interested in making charitable contributions before the end of the year. Kramer can be reached at martyk@found.ksu edu or at 785.532.7578.

Your legacy is important. That’s where your will comes in. Your will is a smart way to protect your family while also establishing your legacy at Kansas State University. Called a charitable bequest, this type of gift offers four main benefits:

  1. Simplicity. All you need are a few sentences in your will or trust. Click here to read the sample bequest language for Kansas State University.
  2. Flexibility. Because you are not actually making a gift until after your lifetime, you can change your mind at any time.
  3. Versatility. You can structure the bequest to leave a specific item or amount of money, make the gift contingent on certain events, or leave a percentage of your estate to K-State.
  4. Tax Relief. If your estate is subject to estate tax, your gift is entitled to an estate tax charitable deduction for the gift’s full value.

Putting your family first
When planning a future gift, make sure your family is financially taken care of first. Including a bequest of a percentage of your estate ensures that your gift will remain proportionate no matter how your estate’s value fluctuates over the years.

We can help
Contact KSU Foundation Gift Planning at (785) 532-7531 or giftoptions@found.ksu.edu with any questions about naming Kansas State University in your will or living trust. You can also click here to download our free Personal Estate Planning Course lesson book and record book. We’re happy to help, without obligation.