Location. Location. Location.
That’s what it boils down to for people in the Kansas City area interested in completing a master’s or doctoral degree in adult education – without leaving town.
One year ago, the adult education faculty offered its first course at K-State Olathe. According to Royce Ann Collins, associate professor in the department of educational leadership, there were 19 graduate students in that class. As of the fall of 2013, face-to-face courses offerings have quadrupled, and there has been a 65% increase in enrollment.
“This is the first opportunity we have been able to offer the complete doctoral program in the Kansas City area,” Collins said.
“And thanks to the vast skill set of our faculty, especially Dr. Judy Favor’s experience with recruiting, marketing, and growing new programs, we have experienced success.”
For more information, visit http://coe.k-state.edu/adulted/