The College of Education produced its first-ever summer edition of the “Kansas Journal of Reading,” which is solely devoted to the common core standards.
Editors Lotta Larson, associate professor of curriculum and instruction, and Debbie Mercer, dean of the College of Education, explained the goal is to support teachers. In their letter from the editors, they write:
“As editors of the ‘Kansas Journal of Reading,’ it is our hope that this unprecedented, common core-themed issue of the journal will provide support, inspiration, and encouragement to Kansas teachers as they advance instruction in the classroom using the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards. By sharing strategies, lesson ideas, and suggestions for both children’s literature and professional books, we can all gain insights to the new standards while promoting KRA’s mission to “promote learning through quality literacy experiences for all.”
Kansas Reading Association members can login to view this special edition. To join the association, please visit kansasread.org.
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