Kansas State University


Division of Facilities News

Facilities Employees…We Appreciate YOU!

Division of Facilities employees enjoyed a picnic on Friday, September 15th thanks to the organization of Kerry McDonald and several other volunteers from within the department. A classic picnic lunch of Weber Hall hotdogs, beans, and chips was provided as well as ice cream sandwiches for dessert. In addition to free food, employees could enjoy activities like bingo, playing cards, ‘washers’, and participate in the raffle.



Kerry McDonald takes a minute to hydrate and wave ‘howdy’ as she keeps the day’s events running smoothly.









“KUDOS!” go out to our Building Maintenance Teams for putting up the massive tent!





Ryan Swanson, Associate VP, recognized and distributed ‘Years of Service’ award pins during the festivities.


The best part of an ‘Appreciation Picnic’ is getting to relax and catch up!



Even with a threat of rain, Pat Boss stays faithful to his post running the sound system for Friday’s events.






Artie Sias & Brent Kolterman won the annual ‘Washer Tournament’. Way to go, guys!






Ryan Swanson calls out bingo drawings for the second shift custodial crew at the evening picnic.


Thank you to every member of our ‘Facilities Family’ for all you do to keep our campus running smoothly.

You are appreciated!!!