Sarah Lamm, Graduate student at the department of Geology, is currently investigating Chlorite using Raman Spectroscopy technique. Her results may be useful for future Mars surface exploration. Watch her 12 minutes presentation.
Chlorite is a widespread phyllosilicate on Earth, found in a variety of geological environments, including low- to high-grade metamorphic rocks, as well as in many hydrothermal ore deposits. Chlorite forms over a temperature range of 100-550°C, and its chemical composition is dependent on physicochemical conditions at time of formation. Chlorite is, therefore, useful for geothermometry. Based on its chemical composition, chlorites allow for reconstruction of geological thermal history, fluid flow modelling, and determination of the geochemical conditions of the environment. Here, we determine a calibration for chlorite composition using Raman spectroscopy. The results of this research is significant for planetary exploration by providing a calibration for future Raman instruments. This chlorite calibration will be useful for studies of the depositional environment on other planets.