Kansas State University


Graduate School

Author: tarap

Alumni Fellows

2013 Graduate School Alumni Fellow John Ruffin, Ph.D.

The ultimate measure of a university’s success is not its curricula, facilities or programs, but the quality of its alumni.

As a well-respected leader and visionary in the field of minority health and health disparities, John Ruffin, Ph.D. ’71, has devoted his professional career to improving the health status of racial and ethnic minorities and other medically underserved populations.

In acknowledgement of the significant contributions he has made to minority health and health disparities, Ruffin has been named the 2013 Graduate School Alumni Fellow. Continue reading “Alumni Fellows”

Student successes

MAGS Excellence in Teaching Award Winners

Whether you want to design buildings or write stories for a living, it is always nice to know that you are pursing the right career. Two graduate students with a passion for educating others recently received confirmation that teaching was the right choice for them.

Tammy Sonnentag, doctoral candidate in psychological sciences, and Jarred Pfeiffer, master’s student in fine arts-ceramics, both received the 2013 Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools Excellence in Teaching Award. Sonnentag received the award at the doctoral level and Pfeiffer received the award at the master’s level. Continue reading “Student successes”

Generations of success

Planting seeds into a machine, a plant pathology graduate student records observations with leaf rust. The caption and photo are from the 1968 Royal Purple yearbook. Previous editions of the Royal Purple can be viewed online for free.

Kansas State Agricultural College in Manhattan, Kan., became the first fully operational land-grant college in America in 1863.  As the first public university in Kansas, the college opened with 52 students enrolled.

In the 150 years since its doors first opened, there has been more than a name change. Continue reading “Generations of success”

Advice from the “job search guru”

K-State graduate students recently had the opportunity to learn about professional communication from “America’s job search guru.”

Donald Asher is an internationally recognized author and expert on careers and higher education. He is the author of 12 books, including “Cracking the Hidden Job Marketing,” and has written columns for USAirways magazine, MSN and the Wall Street Journal’s CareerJournal.com. Continue reading “Advice from the “job search guru””

Welcome from the Graduate School

Graduate School Team

The Graduate School team is pleased to share the inaugural edition of our e-newsletter with you. This newsletter highlights some of the awards received by our graduate faculty and students and also provides an update on graduate school programs and enrollment.

Like other colleges, the Graduate School team has been engaged in developing our strategic plan for 2025. We have identified key initiatives related to Theme 3: Graduate Scholarly Experience. A few of these initiatives include: Continue reading “Welcome from the Graduate School”

Graduate School update

The Graduate School at K-State awarded its first master’s degree in 1871. In the 141 years since that first degree, the school has awarded thousands of graduate degrees.

Today, there are more than 4,300 students enrolled in one of the 70 master’s degree, 42 doctoral degree and 36 certificate programs offered at K-State. Students from around the world pursue graduate studies at one of three campus locations in Kansas, including Manhattan, Salina and Olathe, or via distance education. There are more than 1,100 graduate faculty at K-State instructing students in a wide range of disciplines and conducting collaborative research and scholarly work Continue reading “Graduate School update”

Student successes

Research and the State

Nine K-State graduate students who are performing important Kansas-related research have been chosen to represent the university at the tenth Capitol Graduate Research Summit early next year.

The students were chosen based on their research presentations at Research and the State, an annual on-campus event sponsored by the Graduate Student Council and the Graduate School. The graduate students are researching a variety of topics important to Kansas, including pet food, concrete materials and rainfall detection, among other topics. Continue reading “Student successes”

Faculty awarded for outstanding research; teaching

From L to R: Rae and Ron Iman, Dr. Andrew Barkley, Dr. T.G. Nagaraja

Iman Awards

Two K-State faculty members received $5,000 awards in recognition of their outstanding research and teaching in November.

T.G. Nagaraja, university distinguished professor of microbiology in the department of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology in the College of Veterinary Medicine, and Andrew Barkley, university distinguished teaching scholar of agricultural economics in the College of Agriculture, received the Iman Outstanding Faculty Awards. Continue reading “Faculty awarded for outstanding research; teaching”

Fall 2012 commencement

Niranga Amarasingha, Ph.D. in civil engineering, receives her diploma from Dr. Carol Shanklin, dean of the Graduate School. Photo by GradImages

Graduating with an advanced degree requires an immense amount of effort and countless hours. Yet according to Dr. Esther Myers, a 1989 doctoral graduate and the 2011 Alumni Fellow, it is a privilege.

As the Fall 2012 commencement speaker, Myers congratulated the 336 master’s and 50 doctoral graduates for their hard work and for joining a small segment of the U.S. population who had earned an advanced degree. The 2011 U.S. census data shows that 8% of the population over the age of 25 has a master’s degree and between 1-3% have a doctorate degree. Continue reading “Fall 2012 commencement”