Kansas State University


Graduate School

Greetings from the Dean

Dear Graduate Alumni,

I am pleased to share with you in this newsletter, the successes of the 2021-2022 academic year. With the return to face-to-face instruction, we enjoyed opportunities to again engage directly with many graduate students at orientation, coffee chats, professional development activities, and social events. The articles that follow feature several graduate student accomplishments in research, teaching, and service.

This newsletter also highlights two initiatives launched last academic year to address two fundamental graduate student needs:  making progress towards graduation and raising children.

We look forward to continue building a partnership with you, alumni community members, to advance our initiatives for addressing graduate student needs. We also look forward to hearing from you and connecting, or re-connecting, with the Graduate School.

Enjoy reading this newsletter!

Claudia Petrescu, PhD
Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate School