Kansas State University


Department of Hospitality Management

Hospitality Management professor selected to serve on national panel and is recipient of the Dawley Scholarship Award for Faculty Excellence in Student Development

Junehee Kwon, professor in hospitality management, was invited to serve National Restaurant Association’s ServSafe Allergen Certificate Examination Job Task Analysis panel. She was one of 12 panel members comprised of industry leaders in food safety and food allergy management and prevention. Kwon was invited to the panel based on her food allergy research. She was the only food allergy educator/researcher in the panel, which was charged to revalidate job tasks to prevent food allergy reactions in restaurants and other foodservice establishments. 

Kwon also received recognition from the College of Health and Human Sciences, earning the Dawley-Scholer Award for Faculty Excellence in Student Development based on her contribution to graduate education in the Department of Hospitality Management. Dr. Kwon has been an advocate for graduate education and chaired 11 doctoral students’ supervisory committees since joining Kansas State University in 2008. Her students are employed in higher education institutions in the U.S. and abroad including Auburn University, University of Missouri, Mahidol University in Thailand, University of North Texas, and Oklahoma State University, to name a few. She also has led the graduate programs since 2014, strengthening teaching and grantsmanship competencies for all doctoral students.