Friends, it’s time to welcome fall. What a great time of the year for us … students have returned to campus, classes are back in full-swing, and K-State football is finally here again! We at KCARE are very excited to note some successes of the season: the Experiment Station and Water Technology Farms’ field days were well-attended, and there appears to be lots of interest in implementing new water management technologies across the state. Please read more about the Water Technology Farms in this edition of our newsletter. I also appreciate all the efforts by irrigators and others to explore the development of new LEMAs, etc.
I look forward to getting updated on research results and other water issues at the 2017 Governor’s Water Conference in Manhattan on November 8-9. Registration for the event will be available in September, but a call for abstracts on water research is ongoing. Please check the KCARE website for more information.
This is also the year that we will be asking for pre-proposals for the Kansas Fertilizer Research fund and for the Kansas Water Resources Institute. I will make more information available to you when those calls get released.
In addition to highlighting upcoming events, we are continuing to update the KCARE website. Please take a look and let me know what you think. Of course, if you have any events or research that you believe KCARE should include on the website, let me know.
Finally, I want to wish goodbye and good luck to Dr. Isaya Kisekka, Research Irrigation Engineer at the Garden City Experiment Station. Isaya accepted a job at the University of California, Davis and has now left K-State. I thank him for his friendship and his contributions during his time in Kansas.
If you have any questions or need further information on K-State projects or faculty, please get in touch with me.