Kansas State University


Modern Languages

Modern Languages Study Abroad Night

study abroadLa Société Française held the first annual Modern Languages Study Abroad Night on November 16, 2015.   The evening included presentations from faculty members in Modern Languages about study abroad trips to Spain, Italy, Germany, and France.  There was also a presentation by the Study Abroad Office and a round-table discussion of student study abroad participants.    

study abroadDr. Necia Chronister (nchroni@ksu.edu) presented a trip to Leipzig and Berlin, Germany.  It is a six-week linguistic and cultural immersion course that includes intensive language instruction at the Herder-Institut at the Universität Liepzig, a one-week faculty-led tour of Berlin and Potsdam, and a one-week excursion program organized by the Herder-Institut to sites such as Weimar, Wittenberg, and Dresden.

Dr. Pablo Martinez-Diente (pablomd@ksu.edu) presented a trip to Valladolid and Madrid, Spain which features 3 weeks of language instruction, as well as courses in Spanish civilization and literature in Valladolid as well as a one-week stay in Madrid and excursions around Spain.

Dr. Anthony Nussmeier (aun21@k-state.edu) presented a trip to Orvieto, Italy, which features homestays with Italian families, as well as overnight trips to the iconic cities of Rome and Florence. Further trips to cities Assisi, Todi, Perugia, Carsulae in the Umbria region and other regions allow students to experience a multiplicity of Italian cultures.

A student representative from the Study Abroad Office presented information about the role of the study abroad office, scholarships available for students studying abroad, and student safety while studying abroad. (http://www.k-state.edu/studyabroad/)

Finally, students from Modern Languages who have recently studied abroad participated in a roundtable discussion about their experiences studying abroad.  Discussion included scholarships and the credit transfer process as well as their best memories from their study abroad experiences and packing tips.  (Don’t bring a hairdryer.  Pack light—you will buy things while you are there.  Bring a smaller bag for weekend trips.) One student even shared his experiences as a fashion model on his study abroad trip!


By Kathleen Antonioli and Mary Hellmer

2 thoughts on “Modern Languages Study Abroad Night
    1. I believe you have to be enrolled in the course in order to attend. It does sound like fun though, doesn’t it?

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