This is the first article in a 3 part series about K-State’s safety resources.
There is an unspoken expectation that students’ safety won’t be compromised when they come to college. K-State has made it a priority to ensure that expectation has always been met. A major element in securing student safety on campus is the K-State Campus Police Department. The department’s mission is, “to preserve a safe campus environment where diverse social, cultural, and academic values are allowed to develop and prosper.”
According to the 2016 Online Education Trends Report, K-State ranks 4th in the nation for best campus security. We earned this ranking because of our campus police department’s Silent Witness program, Wildcat Walk, an after-hours escort with an officer, bike safety training, housing safety officers and after-hours security of campus buildings. How does all of this get executed? Our campus police officers.
Often times, campus police face a stigma that they are “less official” than non-campus affiliated officers. We met with our very own, Officer Randy Myles, to address and debunk this issue. Campus police officers at K-State undergo the same training as any standard police officer would. They have full arrest powers and with the cooperation and understanding of other local authorities, can conduct official business off campus. Officer Myles went on to add, “its always funny to me when people don’t think we are full blown police officers. I mean, we even have a SWAT unit.”
Not only do these incredibly qualified campus police officers want to protect your students, they also aim to equip them and partner with them to make for a better K-State. Look forward to next month’s E-NewLetter to learn more about the resources and student collaboration K-State’s Campus Police offer.