Bluemont Hall experienced a bit of a heat wave last month. Math PA, Sarah Watkins decided to take advantage of the gorgeous weather to work on Math homework with Ted and Rachel.Our outstanding sophomore group welcomed Pilots advisor, Nidhi, to talk about the Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment and discuss the strengths of all personality types.Engineering students, Jairo Fernandez and Randy Munoz, work collaboratively to solve a problem for their Math 221 class.Sophomore, Maria Vieyra’s beautiful artwork is showcased at the annual Pilots Awards Reception.Evelyn Lucio, Grace Barr, and Mursadeez McCray pose to for the camera before the ceremony begins.Zoua and Sandy Vang celebrate their accomplishments after the ceremony ends.Temujin Strickland, Brandon Nsaho, Tom Her, Kyle McGary, and Jairo Fernandez celebrate the end of a fantastic year in the Pilots Program.Micalya Campfield and Sarah Wright flash their awards for the camera after the completion of the ceremony.Janet Matos and Carlos Diaz Perez celebrate their semester together in Pilots.