Kansas State University


Department of Statistics

Author: jablack


Dennis Cook named K-State Alumni Fellow, George Milliken to receive the W.D. Dixon Award for Excellence in Statistical Consulting

Dennis Cook
Dennis Cook

Dr. R Dennis Cook was named one of K-States Alumni Fellows and was honored at a banquet hosted by the President and Provost of K-State and the Alumni Association. Dr. Cook is currently a full professor and director of the School of Statistics at the University of Minnesota. He earned a master’s degree in statistics from K-State in 1969 and a doctorate, also in statistics from K-State, in 1970. Continue reading “Awards”

Alumni Dinner at the 2015 JSMs

As is customary, graduates, faculty, former faculty and friends of K-State gather for a meal together at the Joint Statistics Meetings.  Last year’s meeting in Seattle was no exception as nearly 40 of us gathered to eat, reminisce, meet folks we don’t overlap with at K-State, and share stories.  The accompanying picture was taken at our restaurant.


Continue reading “Alumni Dinner at the 2015 JSMs”

Faculty Changes – New Additions and Retirements

Three new faculty joined the Statistics Department in Fall 2015; Gyuhyeong Goh, Mike Higgins and Cen Wu. Trevor Hefley will join the Statistics faculty in Fall 2016.

New Faculty Fall 2015
Gyuhyeong Goh
Gyuhyeong Goh

Gyuhyeong Goh received his PhD in Statistics in 2015 under the direction of Dipak Dey at University of Connecticut. His research has mainly focused on the development of statistical theory, methodology and application for high dimensional data from a Bayesian perspective. While at Connecticut he was also involved in several medical studies as a graduate research assistant at the University of Connecticut Heath Center (UCHC). Continue reading “Faculty Changes – New Additions and Retirements”

Scholarship Recipients

Audrey Chang and Angel Zelazny were co-recipients of the Ronald and Rae Iman Scholarship

Audrey Chang
Audrey Chang

Audrey is originally from Webster, Texas and moved to Olathe, Kansas when she was six years old. She is co-majoring in Mathematics and Statistics and will be a junior this fall. She also received a College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research Award and will be working with Wei-Wen Hsu on a zero-inflated Poisson model with applications to tornado monitoring. Continue reading “Scholarship Recipients”

Alumni News – New Fellows

KSU grads Bilder, Samaranayake to be named ASA Fellows

The American Statistical Association has published the list of members who will be honored at this year’s JSM in Chicago by being named Fellows of the Association.  The list includes two K-State Statistics Ph.D.’s – Chris Bilder and V.A. Samanarayake.

Chris Bilder
Chris Bilder

Chris Bilder earned his Ph.D. at K-State in 2000 under the direction of Dr. Tom Loughin.  Chris spent three years on the faculty in the Department of Statistics at Oklahoma State University before moving to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2003.  There he rose quickly to the rank of Professor. Continue reading “Alumni News – New Fellows”

Alumni News (2016)

John E. Boyer Jr.
John E. Boyer Jr.

Welcome to the Alumni News column written by Dr. John Boyer, Professor Emeritus and former department head (2001-08). Dr. Boyer spends a good bit of his time looking after the family farm in Nebraska, where he and his wife Lora will reside in the near future. This column is his excuse and opportunity to communicate with graduates and friends of the department; a task he enjoys thoroughly.  He hopes that all graduates hear about the column and email news pieces (new jobs, relocations, family developments, etc. that they would like to see included in the newsletter) to him at jboyer@ksu.edu. Don’t hesitate to email John any time, even to just say ‘howdy’.  He’d love to hear from you, and he saves information in the emails he receives for the subsequent newsletter.

Xiuqin Bai (PhD ‘15) is excited to announce that she has accepted a tenure track position in the Department of Mathematics at Eastern Washington University in Cheney, WA (that’s about 15 miles from Spokane).  She will begin teaching courses in statistics there this fall. Continue reading “Alumni News (2016)”

2016 Honor Roll of Giving

Supporters of the Statistics Department provide crucial sources of funds to allow department leaders to respond to emerging opportunities, as well as ongoing needs that are not fully funded through state sources. Gifts this past year (July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016) sustain excellence in this department. If you have any questions about this honor roll or you would like more information about other ways to support our department, please contact Emily Mahoney, KSU Foundation, 800-432-1578 or 785-532-7980, email: emilym@found.ksu.edu.

Thank you to the following donors:

Continue reading “2016 Honor Roll of Giving”

Department News

Another successful Ag Stat Conference held

Gustavo de los Campos PhotoOnce again the department hosted its annual Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture this past April in Manhattan – this was our 26th annual such conference.  Under the leadership of faculty members Leigh Murray and Nora Bello, and staff person Jo Blackburn, more than 100 conferees assembled to give talks, posters and to hear keynoter/workshop leader Gustavo de los Campos from the University of Alabama-Birmingham speak.  De los Campos’ workshop was  on the Analysis & Prediction of Complex Traits Using High Dimensional Genomic Data and his keynote address to the conference was entitled “Statistical Methods for Genome-Enabled Prediction of Complex Traits.” Continue reading “Department News”

Statistics Department Scholarships

Holly and Beth Fryer Scholarship in Statistics

Yeng Xiong has been a PhD student in the department for past year. She has not yet chosen a major professor, but she is interested in learning more about linear models.  She is from Murfreesboro, Tennessee.  She graduated from the University of Tennessee-Martin with a B.S. in mathematics and a B.S. in history.  In her spare time she enjoys reading, driving, and watching foreign movies and Bollywood films.  Yeng would like to thank her large family (with five sisters and one brother) for encouragement and support. Continue reading “Statistics Department Scholarships”