Dennis Cook named K-State Alumni Fellow, George Milliken to receive the W.D. Dixon Award for Excellence in Statistical Consulting
Dr. R Dennis Cook was named one of K-States Alumni Fellows and was honored at a banquet hosted by the President and Provost of K-State and the Alumni Association. Dr. Cook is currently a full professor and director of the School of Statistics at the University of Minnesota. He earned a master’s degree in statistics from K-State in 1969 and a doctorate, also in statistics from K-State, in 1970. At the University of Minnesota, he has served a ten-year term as Chair of the Department of Applied Statistics, and a three-year term as Director of the Statistical Center. He and his wife, Jami, visited Manhattan April 6-9. In addition to the awards banquet, their visit included touring areas of interest from Dennis’s time as a student in Manhattan, dinners with faculty, and a rather lengthy photo-shoot with graduate students excited about having their picture taken with originator of Cook’s Distance. Dr. Cook also delivered the Department’s weekly seminar. His talk was on “Envelopes: Methods for Improving Efficiency in Multivariate Statistics.”
George Milliken: W.D. Dixon Award for Excellence in Statistical Consulting
At this year’s (2016) JSM being held in Chicago, George Milliken will receive the W.D. Dixon Award for Excellence in Statistical Consulting. From the ASA Website “the award is given to a distinguished individual who has demonstrated excellence in statistical consulting or developed and contributed new methods, software, or ways of thinking that improve statistical practice in general.” George retired from K-State in 2007 after 38 years of service in the department, including serving as Department Head from 1985 to 1990. His consulting work dates back nearly 50 years to when he consulted with the sugar beet industry as a graduate student at Colorado State University. He is well known for his work in experimental design and messy data and has been equally well known as an effective mentor to faculty, graduate students, and researchers across multiple disciplines. Congratulations George!