In the 2013-2014 school year, Totally Tutoring provided tutoring workshops for K-State tutors. Our first workshop was on November 10th, 2013. Experienced tutors Charlesia McKinney and Kelsey Hixson-Bowles led the fall tutoring workshop at the Vanier Football Complex at Bill Snyder Family Stadium. The workshop, called the “Totally Tutoring Pedagogical Workshop: New Learners/Transitions/Connections,” allowed tutors to explore their curiosity about successful tutoring practices through a survey and informal conversations with peers.
Our biggest workshop was held at the Manhattan Sunset Zoo on March 30th, 2014. Totally Tutoring invited K-State tutors to go to the Manhattan Sunset Zoo and enjoy the day at the zoo! Not only did the tutors get to meet exotic animals like Dasypodidae, the Southern Three-banded Armadillo, and the Geochelone sulcata, the Sulcata Tortoise, but they were able to participate in an engaging workshop created by peer-learning expert Dr. Brian Fallon (Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York). Dr. Fallon encouraged tutors to consider how their efforts as tutors contribute in unique ways to student-learning at K-State.

Totally Tutoring was able to procure the leadership of Dr. Fallon with the help of monetary donations from different K-State departments and fly him out to the Little Apple from the Big Apple. Dr. Fallon is the current president of the NYC Metropolitan Affiliate of the Council of Writing Program Administrators, and he also serves as the treasurer of the National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing (NCPTW). He has been invited to speak on peer tutoring at a number of events and campuses in the NYC area.