Kansas State University


Totally Tutoring

Recent Totally Tutoring Events

During 2014-2015 school year, Totally Tutoring provided three successful events for K-State tutors.

On October 28th, 2014, Totally Tutoring held its fall workshop sponsored by Michael Lynch (on behalf of the Office of Student Life) and Jill Shields (on behalf of Student Athletics). This workshop, entitled, “Voicing Our Manifesto: A Tutoring Revolution,” served as an opportunity to bring tutors and coordinators together to share the best tutoring practices with each other. During the workshop several stations were set up, designed to encourage tutors to discuss practices, experiences, key concepts and ways to improve their pedagogy with one another.

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On April 19th, 2015, Totally Tutoring held its spring workshop at the Kansas State Union with the aid of Academic Excellence funds and a Tilford Incentive Grant awarded to Shay Dodson and Kara Northway. Tutors and coordinators came together to discuss tutoring practices and to share how tutoring experiences have benefited them. Tutoring awards were announced, and the workshop also featured a talk on identity, difference, and democracy, by Dr. Sue Mendelsohn, Columbia University, titled, “How to Change the World: One Tutorial at a Time.”

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In addition, Totally Tutoring hosted its annual spring showcase on April 17th, 2015, to share how K-State tutors are benefiting personally and professionally from K-State tutoring programs’ collaboration. The showcase featured a Q&A panel with K-State tutors, giving the Provost, directors, deans, and other administrators the opportunity to ask the panel members questions on how experiences in varying tutoring programs are helping tutors become better campus leaders and enhancing the quality of their pedagogical work with K-State students.

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