Totally Tutoring believes that there is a need to recognize K-State’s outstanding tutors and created several awards. Student tutors select the award-winning tutors each semester, and the awards are funded by Academic Excellence monies from the Offices of the President and the Provost. The Totally Tutoring awards show tutors that faculty, staff and their tutees appreciate all the hard work they do.
The student-led award committee looks for tutors who have been particularly successful in bridging the gap in education. Whether that gap is between student and subject or even student and teacher, tutors are there to help students have a better understanding of their coursework and to provide them with the peer support they need to make the grade.
On the recommendation of the award committee, Totally Tutoring honored four tutors for spring 2015:
“Tutors Make a Difference” Award Winners
Patrick Riggin, tutor for Leasure Hall
Zacharia Bishop, tutor for Educational Supportive Services
Caitlyn Vohs, tutor for the Writing Center
“Honorable Mention”
Benjamin Nye, tutor for Educational Supportive Services