Kansas State University


U.S.-China Center for Animal Health Newsletter

Category: Summer 2014

Summer Greetings!

Summer is the time to explore fun, adventure and new opportunities!  Here we present you the first edition of the e-newsletter from the U.S. – China Center for Animal Health (USCCAH) at Kansas State University. While you glance over our newsletter, you may find a golden opportunity laying in front of you for the global collaboration.

USCCAH was established in 2010 to improve Chinese animal health education and research, as well as to assist Chinese and U.S. animal health companies to access the U.S. and Chinese markets, respectively. Since then, we have established the U.S. – China Joint DVM Program through partnership with the China Scholarship Council, the Chinese Veterinary Medical Association, the International Veterinary Collaboration for China, and the Banfield Pet Hospital.

In addition, we have signed an agreement with the Chinese Veterinary Medical Association to offer online continuing education seminars to Chinese veterinarians to meet American clinic practice standards.  Meanwhile we have partnered with the Chinese Small Animal Veterinarians Association, a branch of the Chinese Veterinary Medical Association, to offer veterinary medical lectures in Annual Chinese Small Animal Veterinarians Conferences.

Furthermore, we have helped to establish collaborations between Kansas State University (KSU) and several universities and institutes in China, as well as facilitated exchanges between Chinese animal health and regulatory agencies, KSU and the Kansas City Animal Health Corridor.

This newsletter has highlighted some of these activities as well as our veterinary education programs. We also take this opportunity to thank Zoetis, Ceva Animal Health, and Shor-Line for their support for the USCCAH.  If you would like to support our programs or have interest in animal health in China, please contact Dr. Lei Wang leiwang@vet.k-state.edu.

Ralph Richardson                                                                                             Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine                                                           Chair, Board of Directors, USCCAH

Jishu Shi                                                                                                        Director, USCCAH

Celebration of the U.S.-China Joint DVM Scholarship Program

For the first time since 1950, students from China are being supported by China and the U.S. to earn a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in the United States. The U.S.-China Joint DVM Program is sponsored by the China Scholarship Council, Kansas State University, the International Veterinary Collaboration for China and, the Chinese Veterinary Medical Association.  The U.S.-China Center for Animal Health (USCCAH) coordinates and leads the partnership in mobilizing the program. On August 25, 2013, USCCAH hosted a luncheon to mark the successful completion of the first year of this historic partnership.

K-State Night: USCCAH celebrates K-State alumni’s achievements in Beijing

USCCAH is proud to be a messenger between K-State and its alumni. On February 26, 2014, the USCCAH delegation organized a special K-State night in Beijing to celebrate the achievements of two former wildcats Defa Li and Hua Wu with congratulatory certificates from K-State President Kirk Schulz.  Defa Li, dean of the College of Animal Science and Technology at China Agricultural University was just elected as academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Hua Wu, a professor at the Institute of Special Economic Animal and Plant Science in the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences was elected as a member of the Chinese “1000 Plan” Global Experts Program.

Read news release

News Ticker


KSU and China Scholarship Council signed the Supplemental Agreement to the MOU on Veterinary Medicine Collaboration in Beijing.

USCCAH offers online American veterinary continuing education in Chinese to the Chinese National Veterinary Continuing Education Center.

USCCAH hosted the visit of Science & Technology Consuls of Consulate-General of China in Chicago to Kansas State University and Kansas City Animal Health Corridor.

Upcoming Events


August 28-30, 2014 — American veterinary medicine lectures in Ningbo, China

USCCAH organized American veterinary medicine lectures will be held at the 3rd China Small Animal Veterinarians Conference. Please see details.

September 24, 2014 — USCCAH Board of Directors meeting and the U.S.-China Joint DVM Program students’ reunion at Kansas State University

February 1, 2015 — Deadline for the U.S. – China Joint DVM Scholarship Program application. Apply now.