Sometimes, is spite of best effort, the result of making a tasty jam or jelly is a runny mess. While it may be possible to remake runny jam or jelly, it may not be worth the effort. Just don’t waste it!
Runny jam or jelly can be used for pancake/waffle syrup or ice cream topping. Add it to a fruit smoothie along with extra fruit. How about making it into fruit leather? If you have a food dehydrator, this makes it easier to do. But it can be done in the oven. For jam, it is best to puree it in a food processor or blender to get a smooth product and it is easier to dry. For both jam and jelly, add some extra fruit for more flavor.
Information on making fruit leather from Washington State University gives good guidance on this project for all ages.
Source: University of California Cooperative Extension, El Dorado county