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The Science of Charcuterie Meats


Cured meat products are relishing in the popularity of charcuterie boards served at events and parties. There are hundreds of cured meats that chefs are inspired to use with cheese, crackers, nuts, and fruits for a flavor explosion.

The Spanish or Italian inspired dry cured meats are a mix of art and science. They use salt, meat chemistry, temperature and environment to create a variety of flavors. The water activity is key to create a shelf stable meat that does not require heat treatment. The water activity, which is the amount of water available for microorganisms to grow within the product, is affected by the moisture content, salt content, and environmental temperature. Some dried sausages have starter cultures added to decrease the pH, or acid content, and add flavor. Dry-cured ham, country ham, and prosciutto are popular meat choices for a tasty charcuterie board.

Learn more in this February 2022 Food Technology article.


About Karen Blakeslee

The Rapid Response Center was formed in 1995 as a resource for Kansas State University Research & Extension Agents. Resource topics included Food Science, Human Nutrition, Food Service, Textiles, Home Care and other consumer topics. Since that time, the Center has grown to be of valuable assistance to Kansas State University Extension Specialists in those areas.