You Asked It!

Stick to SMART Nutrition Goals

resolutionJanuary prompts many to resolutions to improve their goals. The most popular resolutions are eating less sugar, losing weight, and improving diet healthfulness. Here’s some SMART tips from the International Food Information Council.

Be Specific—set a specific goal or change that you can realistically attain. Adding a fruit or vegetable to each meal is an easy choice! What does healthier eating mean to you?

Make it Measurable—So you want to add more fruits and vegetables to a meal? How many? Give the goal a number and track it to make it into a habit.

Make it Attainable—Small steps can lead to big rewards. For example, making a shopping list and buying smaller quantities can be attainable and reduce food waste.

Be Realistic—Making big changes, like never eating out for lunch and packing a lunch can be a challenge depending on your schedule. Start with one or two days a week to bring your lunch to work.

Set a Time Limit—Make a deadline to reach your goals. Another option is to divide your goals into specific time amounts to make them easier to manage.


About Karen Blakeslee

The Rapid Response Center was formed in 1995 as a resource for Kansas State University Research & Extension Agents. Resource topics included Food Science, Human Nutrition, Food Service, Textiles, Home Care and other consumer topics. Since that time, the Center has grown to be of valuable assistance to Kansas State University Extension Specialists in those areas.