National news of a prominent football player suffering from a heart condition has brought to light the need for heart disease education and information. What do you do to protect your heart?
February is designated as American Heart Month. As a leading cause of death in the U.S., it is important to make your heart a priority. Many steps in self-care can greatly improve your heart health. Learning CPR can save a life.
Here are seven self-care steps you can take to heart health.
- Start with a self-care checklist for the week. Choose from these ideas to get started.
- Check your blood pressure and know what the numbers mean for you.
- Make healthy eating goals and simple changes to your diet for big benefits. You too can eat a heart-healthy diet!
- What is your wellness routine? Part of that is getting quality sleep and reducing stress.
- Treat yourself! You deserve some fun to break up your normal responsibilities.
- Who inspires you? Those “feel good” people can improve your heart too!
- What is your favorite way to take care of your heart? Get outside and take a walk to benefit your heart and mind.
Learn more at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute website.