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Tag: nutrition

Outsmart Your Cravings!

We all crave certain foods from time to time. The psychology behind cravings show that hormones, memories and other triggers create a sensory signal of craving a food. This intensifies with hunger or dieting.

So how can you outsmart these cravings? Here are some tips.

  • Take a walk! Some sort of physical activity can redirect your craving, thus putting mind over matter.
  • Your nose picks up on food odors, so try smelling a nonfood, such as a scented candle, to redirect your brain.
  • You’ve heard the saying, “my eyes were bigger than my stomach.” So keep healthful snacks in your vision.
  • Do you crave sweets? Grab naturally sweet fruit to curb that craving.
  • Thanksgiving is about comfort food. Enjoy in moderation, smaller portions, or do a healthier makeover to classic recipes.


Set the Table to Eat Healthy

In an effort to teach consumers about the new Nutrition Facts label and to help them make healthy food choices, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has a toolkit to help make nutrition education easier.

The Health Educator’s Nutrition Toolkit includes tips for making healthy food choices when grocery shopping; how to bring nutrition home; how to select healthier foods when eating out; and how to read the Nutrition Facts panel. It also includes evaluation tools and presentation tools that are ready to use.

Learn more at

Social media messages and graphics are also available to help encourage consumers to make healthier food choices.


Kansas Healthy Food Initiative Grants

The Kansas Healthy Food Initiative has funds (grants/loans) available to produce growers, farmers markets, grocery stores, etc. who are selling produce and other healthy foods in an under-served and low resource area of Kansas.   For example, one farmer has received funds to pay for building/equipping a packing shed that will be used to sell produce in one of these target areas (and will also be used to sell produce to other areas).

Eligible food retail projects must expand healthy food offerings in low-resource, underserved neighborhoods and fit local community needs. Grocery chains, neighborhood food and grocery stores, co-ops, farmers markets, production and distribution operations, and other food projects are eligible. Applicant eligibility for underserved and low-resource areas is determined during the eligibility review.

Learn more at or contact the Center for Engagement and Community Development at 785-532-6868 or


2020 Urban Food Systems Symposium

Save the date for the 2020 Urban Food System Symposium! This event will be June 4-6, 2020 at the Marriott Country Club Plaza, Kansas City, MO.

The symposium brings together researchers, not-for-profit administrators, community organizers, extension professionals, students, and others, to share and gain knowledge on urban food systems and agriculture and their role in global food security. The focus is on climate change; nutrition and human health; food production and distribution in cities; urban planning and development; food security; food policy and advocacy; international perspectives; community engagement; and urban planning and economic development.

Learn more about this event at


Eating Fish During Pregnancy Advice Updated

Tuna is listed as a best choice by the FDA. Photo: USDA Flickr

The Food and Drug Administration has updated their advice in regards to consuming fish while pregnant, breastfeeding, young children, and women planning to become pregnant. While the concern about consuming mercury is still valid, the advice now includes the importance of consuming fish as part of a healthy diet.

The nutritional composition of fish is beneficial to women during pregnancy and for young children. This includes heart health benefits and lower risks of obesity. The nutrients include protein, omega-3 fats, more vitamin B12 and vitamin D than any other food, iron, and other minerals like selenium, zinc, and iodine. A serving size for adults is 4 ounces and to consume two to three servings a week.

The FDA guidance includes charts and information in English and Spanish. There are lists of different types of fish categorized by best choices, good choices, and choices to avoid.

Learn more at


Eat Some Nuts! Improve Your Mind!

Nuts have been touted as beneficial with healthy fats, protein, and fiber. New research from the University of South Australia shows that they can also help adults have better mental function, improved thinking, reasoning, and memory.

The study followed 4,822 Chinese adults aged 55-plus from 1991-2006. They consumed 10 grams (two teaspoons) of nuts a day. They mostly ate peanuts. The results showed an improvement in cognitive function up to 60% compared to those who did not eat nuts.

Age is the biggest risk factor for cognitive health. Eating a few nuts each day is worth the effort!



Frying with Hot Air

Finger foods are popular foods to cook in an air fryer.

Instead of frying in oil, maybe an air fryer is for you! Reducing oil in foods is one way to make foods healthier. So how does a hot air fryer work?

Extremely hot air circulates around food with a fan. It creates a crispy surface layer and the inside stays moist. This is similar to convection oven cooking. Only a small amount of oil is brushed on the food surface to aid the crisping process. Cook in small batches for even and complete cooking.

When shopping for an air fryer, first consider your kitchen counters and storage space. Do you have room? If the appliance is not visible, it is less likely to be used. There is no oil to dispose of or lingering oily odors. But does the food taste the same with similar crunch? Maybe, maybe not. Just remember to consider making healthier meals for you and your family to reap the rewards.



Have A Plant™

What’s your “veggie vessel?” How do you “finish with fruit?” Learn more at

The Produce for Better Health Foundation is an organization that links public health and industry, government agencies and non-profit organizations. They have been known as “Fruits & Veggies—More Matters.” This year they changed their brand name to “Have A Plant™ to better reflect consumer research about eating a certain daily amount of fruits and vegetables.

Their website,, has information on a variety of produce items, recipes, expert advice and educational series on a variety of topics.


Food vs. Supplements

Lettuce, spinach and other leafy greens are great sources of vitamin K.

New research shows that eating nutritious food can reduce mortality rates. This research was conducted by the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. They collected data from over 27,000 adults ages 20 and older.

When comparing consumption of nutritious food versus dietary supplements, there is evidence that getting certain nutrients from food reduces rates of all-cause mortality. Dietary supplements do not show any reduction. They found the following:

  • Lower risk of death from eating foods with adequate vitamin K and magnesium;
  • Lower risk of cardiovascular disease from foods with adequate vitamin K, vitamin A, and zinc;
  • Higher rates of death from cancer when more than 1,000 mg/day Calcium were consumed from supplements.



Start Simple with MyPlate

Do you struggle with making good food choices? Healthy eating can happen with one step at a time. It can be simple!

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has released a new initiative to help consumers meet their health goals. It is called Start Simple with MyPlate.

Focus on whole fruits. Add fruit to a bowl of cereal for breakfast or grab one for an easy snack.  Don’t forget that canned and frozen fruits are great choices when your favorite fresh fruit is not available.

Vary your veggies and think colorfully! Dark green, red, orange, yellow and other colorful veggies add lots of good nutrients to any meal or snack. Prepare extra veggies for a side dish or to use in soup or pasta.

Make half your grains whole grains. This message still holds true! Choose 100% whole grain bread, pasta, crackers, or cereal.

Vary your protein routine. Meat, poultry, fish, seafood, legumes are beneficial. Don’t forget to serve veggies and whole grains with your protein choice!

Low-fat or fat-free dairy foods compliment any meal. Be a role model for kids to show dairy foods are healthy!

Learn more at