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Tag: School

Back to School Food Safety!

Back to school
Have a great school year! Photo: USDA Flickr

It’s almost time for schools to gear up for the year! For families that pack lunch to go, here are some tips to remember:

  • Wash your hands before prepping any food.
  • Use ice packs or frozen juice boxes to keep cold foods cold in an insulated lunch tote.
  • Rinse fruits and vegetables with water and blot dry with a paper towel.
  • Remind kids to store their lunch in a refrigerator at school if available.

Learn more tips at

It’s Back to School Time!

Packed lunched box, with veggie sandwich on whole wheat.

Pack the book bags and pack the lunch! It’s time to head back to school! Help get your child to eat the lunch you packed with these tips:

  1. Have them help choose foods at the store they like. They can also help pack their lunch.
  2. If lunch time is short, pack bite sized foods. Cut sandwiches in fourths to grab easier. Pack grapes, string cheese, and whole wheat crackers.
  3. Use easy open lunch bags and insulated bags with ice packs to keep cold foods cold.
  4. Pack smaller portions so they don’t waste food. Keep nutrition in mind to give them good fuel on the go!
