Kansas State University


Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art

Category: May 2016

The Challenge of Free Speech in Kansas: Then and Now

Thursday, May 19, 5:30 p.m.
Beach Museum of Art, UMB Theater

Kansas Humanities Council logoIn conjunction with two exhibitions that explore the imprisonment of Japanese Americans during WW II, this program will consider the importance of free speech and a free press in times of turmoil. A short documentary on William Allen White’s 1923 Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial, “To An Anxious Friend” will be screened.

Panelists include the following:

Kathrine Walker Schlageck, senior educator at the museum, will describe the role of William Allen White in selecting John Steuart Curry to paint murals in the Kansas State House.

Stephen Wolgast, A.Q. Miller School of Journalism/Collegian Media Group, Kansas State University; Ned Seaton, Publisher and Editor in Chief, Manhattan Mercury; and Max McCoy, associate professor of Journalism at Emporia State University will discuss freedom of the press and its role in democracy.Pulitzer Centennial

The Pulitzer Project in Kansas: William Allen White and Freedom of Speech is a joint venture of the Kansas Humanities Council, the Pulitzer Prizes Board, and the Federation of State Humanities Councils in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Pulitzer Prizes.


May Workshops for Children and Parents

Parent to Parent: Preventing the Summer Slide – May 11, 10-11:30 a.m.ARTSmart Class

Tell Me A Story: Making Connections and Finding Support through Literature – May 19, 10 a.m.

May 24-27, ARTSmart classes focusing on the spring exhibition “Minidoka on My Mind: Painting and Prints by Roger Shimomura” and printmaking.

Call (785)532-7718 or email klwalk@ksu.edu for reservations.

Registration open for summer ARTSmart and Young Artists Programs

Spend the summer exploring sports and games and creating everything from your own game to team mascots during summer ARTSmart classes! Inspiration will comeJohn Steuart Curry, Title unknown (study of baseball players) from the exhibition “Art of the Game,” in conjunction with the Manhattan Public Library summer reading theme “On Your Mark, Get Set, Read.”

The Young Artists Programs take place in June with museum tours and art workshops taught by KSU and MHS fine arts and art education students. The class for younger children allow artists to explore a variety of media.  Classes for older children will focus on learning more about specific techniques. Registration and fees required.

Papermaking Workshops take place August 3 and 4, 10-11:30 a.m.

Reservations for all classes and workshops may be made by calling 785-532-7718 or emailing klwalk@k-state.edu.  Fees apply.  In conjunction with the Blue Star Museum program, all workshops are half-price for military families.

Image: John Steuart Curry (United States, 1897-1946), Title unknown (study of baseball players) (verso) (detail), n.d., conté crayon on paper, KSU, Beach Museum of Art, bequest of Kathleen G. Curry, 2002.759


Toyo Miyatake Block 20

Behind the Glass Eye: Photographs by Toyo Miyatake
April 5 – July 31, 2016

Art of the Game: Selections from the Permanent Collection
May 12 – July 24, 2016

Minidoka on My Mind: Paintings and Prints by Roger Shimomura
April 5 – July 17, 2016

Beneath the Prairie Sky: Photography by Jim Richardson
March 8 – June 26, 2016

2015 Common Works of Art
August 24, 2015 – July 2016

Stan Herd: Cairns on the Beach
Fall 2014 – May 2017

Image: Toyo Miyatake, Block #20 Fire Break Road, children on tricycles (detail), ca. 1942 (printed 2016), silver halide on paper, 11 x 14 in., courtesy of Toyo Miyatake