We know our alumni are doing great things because their names keep coming up at awards ceremonies. In case you have not heard the news, here is a list of recently honored alumni:
On the Education Side: In addition to recognizing teachers for their years of service, The Kansas Association of Agricultural Editors (KAAE) recognizes outstanding agriculture teachers. Congratulations to our agricultural education alumni honored this summer!
- Laura Priest ’06, Lawrence Free State HS—KAAE Young Teacher of the Year
Some of our alumni earned further recognition by being honored by the Kansas Association for Career and Technical Education (K-ACTE).
- Jacqueline Gabbert ’09, Marysville HS—K-ACTE New Teacher of the Year
- Kelly Hoelting ‘01, Mission Valley HS—K-ACTE Teacher of the Year
Alumni were also nominated for national recognition from the National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE):
- John Bergin ‘09, Southeast of Saline HS—KAAE Outstanding Young Member
- Kelly Hoelting ‘01, Mission Valley HS—KAAE Outstanding Teacher
- Linda Chase ’97, Wellington HS—Agriscience Teacher of the Year
- Jacqueline Gabbert ‘09, Marysville HS—Teachers Turn the Key Scholarship
Linda Chase won the National Agriscience Teacher of the Year for the region. Jacqueline Gabbert ‘09 was awarded the National Teachers Turn the Key Scholarship.
On the Communication Side: The Livestock Publication Council and American Agricultural Editors Association recognized outstanding industry professionals at the 2014 Ag Media Summit July 26—30 in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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