Kansas State University


Office of Assessment

Tag: Critical Thinking

Attend the Critical Thinking Assessment Institute on Oct. 25

Institute for Student Learning Assessment WordmarkAttend this year’s Institute for Student Learning Assessment to learn approaches to effectively and meaningfully assess critical thinking. Faculty from a variety of disciplines will share strategies to assess critical thinking in their classrooms and programs.

Date: October 25, 2017
Time: 9am – Noon
Location: Bluemont Room, K-State Student Union
Cost: Free for all K-State Faculty and Staff

Registration is closed.

Limited walk-up seating will be available on the day of the event.


Schedule at a glance (View the full schedule)

8:30 Registration & Coffee
9:00 Defining Critical Thinking as a Guide to Assessment in Higher Education – Pat Ackerman
9:30 Excellence in Assessment Award Highlight: Critical Thinking in Athletic Training – Shawna Jordan
10:00 Effective Strategies for Critical Thinking: 20-minute rotating mini-sessions
11:30 Closing Session: Critical Thinking Expectations at K-State – Bronwyn Fees, Jana Fallin, and Fred Burrack

Plan to Attend “Designing Rubrics to Teach Critical Thinking”

The K-State Teaching & Learning Center has recently named 2017 as the Year of Critical Thinking. In keeping with these efforts, the Office of Assessment will host the second critical thinking event of March, “Designing Rubrics to Teach Critical Thinking.” This workshop will be led by the Office of Assessment’s Director, Fred Burrack and will take place on March 15th and 16th (repeat session) from 3-4 p.m. in Room 209 at the Union.


Critical Thinking in the context of an assignment or within a discipline is an expectation in most courses and programs. This session will explore how to assess student demonstrations of traits associated with critical thinking and provide examples of rubrics that can be adapted for a variety of assessment tasks. Participants will consider how students demonstrate critical thinking within their courses and programs and connect them to rubric design choices that enable authentic assessment of critical thinking.

More information can be found at the Office of Assessment events page and Twitter. To become a part of the critical thinking work at K-State, please plan to attend this event and engage on social media with the hashtag #MarchTowardCriticalThinking.

The event is free and no registration is required.

Multiple Choice Tests for Critical Thinking Workshop Video Now Available

On February 16, the Office of Assessment sponsored “Designing Multiple Choice Assessments for Critical Thinking” workshop in Bluemont Hall. This event was led by Warren White, Professor of Special Education and Director of Assessment in the College of Education.

This workshop was a part of the Year of Critical Thinking, an effort led by the Teaching and Learning Center. You can learn more about this endeavor here.

You can view the workshop below. We hope you enjoy and will continue to be a part of the Year of Critical Thinking.

Plan to Attend the Annual Faculty Exchange for Teaching Excellence Workshop

The Teaching and Learning Center and Faculty Exchange for Teaching Excellence will present “Teaching Critical Thinking to College Students within the Logic of One’s Own Discipline.” on January 27th. The annual teaching workshop is designed to examine critical thinking and how it is used in higher education.

Fred Burrack, Director of Assessment, will begin the day with a brief presentation on what we know about Critical Thinking at K-State. Dr. Gerald Nosich, author of Learning to Think Things Through: A Guide to Critical Thinking Across Curriculum is the main workshop speaker.

Registration is open. This event will take place Friday, January 27 from 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Alumni Center. We hope to see you there!

