Kansas State University


Office of Assessment

Tag: Dashboards

Assessment Dashboard in a Day Video Walkthrough: Part IV – Format and Polish

Part III of this series covered the creation of measures and charts to use in a direct assessment dashboard/report in PowerBI.

Part IV finishes the report by formatting charts and adding final touches.

Continue reading “Assessment Dashboard in a Day Video Walkthrough: Part IV – Format and Polish”

Assessment Dashboard in a Day Video Walkthrough: Part III – Measures and Charts

Part II of this series covered the creation of dimensions on the way to creating a direct assessment dashboard/report in PowerBI.

Part III begins the process of creating the report, including the creation of measures and charts.

Continue reading “Assessment Dashboard in a Day Video Walkthrough: Part III – Measures and Charts”

Assessment Dashboard in a Day Video Walkthrough: Part II – Dimensions

Part I of this series covered the creation of a fact table on the way to creating a direct assessment dashboard/report in PowerBI.

Part II demonstrates how to create dimensions, including steps to enter data manually, get data from Excel files, and connect to a data warehouse.

Continue reading “Assessment Dashboard in a Day Video Walkthrough: Part II – Dimensions”

Assessment Dashboard in a Day Video Walkthrough: Part I – The Fact Table

An earlier post presented a conceptual overview of using Canvas Outcomes scores in PowerBI.  Today, we are presenting a four-part, step-by-step walkthrough detailing how to create a direct assessment dashboard/report in PowerBI.  These videos present a variety of options for each step and are meant to be adapted to fit each user’s needs.

The first video in the series covers the creation of the Fact Table using outcomes data exported from Canvas.

Continue reading “Assessment Dashboard in a Day Video Walkthrough: Part I – The Fact Table”

Automating and Deepening Assessment Processes using Canvas and Power BI

New tools available to programs can facilitate collection, management, and analysis of direct assessment data.  With these new tools, it is now possible for faculty to assess direct student demonstrations of learning as part of the regular grading process.  Data collected in this way can then be automatically analyzed and delivered to those in the program responsible for assessment.  When fully implemented, this process has the potential to reduce the amount of time spent on process, and afford programs additional opportunities to use assessment data to guide improvements.

Automating Direct Assessment AnalysisThe Office of Assessment can help programs implement these new tools and design custom reports that meet the program’s needs.  This article describes using Canvas to collect data, but other options are available.  The key is that assessment data is gathered at the student level, which enables connection to other student indicators and metrics. Continue reading “Automating and Deepening Assessment Processes using Canvas and Power BI”

Interactive Assessment Data Workshops Available

The Office of Assessment is launching Interactive Assessment Dashboards this fall. The dashboards combine data from direAssessment Dashboard Wordmarkct assessments, surveys, and other sources to create dynamic views of data.

One-hour workshops will guide program assessment coordinators through using the interactive dashboard to get information to improve undergraduate programs.  Workshops are available on the following dates:

  • Oct 6 – 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., 112 Leadership Studies Building
  • Oct 7 – 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., 112 Leadership Studies Building
  • Oct 10 – 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m., 112 Leadership Studies Building
  • Oct 11 – 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., 112 Leadership Studies Building

No registration is required for the workshops.

Go to http://www.k-state.edu/assessment/surveys/dashboard/ for more information and to see a sample dashboard.

Additional sessions can be scheduled by contacting the Office of Assessment at assessment@ksu.edu.