Kansas State University


Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art

Special announcement from the Beach Museum of Art

Kathrine Schlageck Announces Retirement as Associate Curator of Education at the Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art.

Kathrine Schlageck conducts a gallery education program with school-age children.

After 30 years of dedicated service, Kathrine Schlageck, Associate Curator of Education at the Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art at Kansas State University, has announced her retirement, effective March 21, 2025.

Schlageck has been an integral part of the museum’s growth and impact on the Manhattan and K-State communities. As the founder of the museum’s education department, she has played a pivotal role in shaping its outreach and engagement, developing innovative programs that have made art accessible to audiences of all ages.

“It is with mixed emotions that I announce my retirement from the Beach Museum of Art in order to spend more time with family,” said Schlageck. “The past 30 years have been totally fulfilling as I have served both the University and Manhattan area community. I am proud to have built the museum’s education department from scratch and work with a top-notch team of professionals, students, and volunteers. I will miss connecting with children, visitors, and K-State faculty and students, but will always be the ‘Art Lady’ in my heart.”

Throughout her tenure, Schlageck established numerous impactful programs, including the ARTSmart Program, Summer Fun Camp (which focused on working with children with autism), and Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) initiatives with area schools. She also worked closely with K-State’s Leadership Studies and Communications programs, as well as Kansas Childcare Training Opportunities, where she helped integrate art into early childhood education.

Her contributions extended beyond the museum, as she played an active role in regional and national museum education efforts. She represented the Beach Museum on the Mountain-Plains Museum Association (MPMA) board and served on the National EdCOM board for many years, advocating for the importance of education in the arts.

“Kathrine’s dedication and passion for arts education have left an indelible mark on the Beach Museum of Art and the community it serves,” said Kent Michael Smith, Director of the Beach Museum of Art. “Her ability to connect with people of all ages and make art accessible to everyone is truly inspiring. While we will greatly miss her presence, her work will continue to have a lasting legacy through the museum’s ongoing educational components she helped to shape.”

Schlageck’s work has been recognized with numerous awards, including the KAWSE Award/K-State Women of Excellence (2022), the MPMA Education Committee Award for Excellence in Programming (2014), and the Kansas Governor’s Arts Award for Education (2009), among others. As she embarks on this new chapter, she leaves behind a museum education program that will continue to thrive, thanks to her years of dedication, and leadership.

Celebrate Art and Math

Sat., March 29, 2025 | 1-3 PM | Beach Museum of Art | Free and open to all
Celebrating Art and Math: 15th Anniversary of the Math Circle Seminar at Kansas State University
Enjoy activities for all ages, a math and art tour, and more!

In the program:
1- 3pm: Celebrating Art and Math
• Math puzzles and games for all skill levels
• Build an icosahedron and other cool things
• Chess set and more games to challenge your friends
• Gallery quest with prizes from the treasure box
• Explore the math secrets of the art museum tour

2 pm: Math and Art Gallery Tour
• A fascinating tour to discover the connections between art and mathematics through works on display at the museum.

Don’t miss out on this exciting milestone. See you at the museum!

15 Years of Math Circle at Kansas State University image

K-State Day of Giving is April 9, 2025!

24 Hours of giving in support of K-State!
K-State Day of Giving is an annual virtual fundraising effort and all-around celebration of the many things we love about K-State. This 24-hour event will take place April 9, 2025. On this day, K-State alumni, faculty, staff, retirees, students, parents, friends and fans are encouraged to give back to the university and help us fulfill our land-grant promise. 

Join the celebration on April 9, 2025 and give your gift to the Beach Museum of Art! It’s Your Art Museum at Kansas State University. The museum complements the teaching, research and service missions of K-State by collecting, studying, caring for, and presenting the visual art of Kansas and the region.

As a center for learning and discovery, the museum enhances education by offering new perspectives that deepen understanding and inspire curiosity. It also serves as a cultural gathering place, connecting people through engaging exhibits and unique programs.

You can make the greatest impact:
On April 9, go to the K-State Day of Giving website to make your gift and support the museum’s high priority initiatives. You can also make a gift by phone at 785-775-2400. Thank you!

K-State Day of Giving image for the Beach Museum of Art

Have questions? Call: 785-775-2400 or toll-free at 833-448-3578
Email: kstatedayofgiving@ksufoundation.org



Double Take: Gallery Tour of Select Artworks

Thurs., April 3, 2025, 5:30-6 PM | Beach Museum of Art | Free and open to all

Gallery conversation at the Beach Museum of Art

What is the artist trying to say? Is there a story behind that?
Hosted by Beach Museum Specialist Nate McClendon, this program will answer these questions as it offers insight and perspective into selected artworks on display at the museum. Joined by curators, artists, and museum staff, we will explore the intentions, motivations, and related stories behind the artwork and exhibition presentations. Specifically, we will explore how the art relates to and reflects themes and experiences of modern society. This 30-minute program will also provide a platform for participants to anonymously share and observe reactions to the art in real time.

In Bloom exhibition title

Join us throughout the year as we take a closer look into selected works on exhibit at YOUR art museum.


Grow Green Match Day is April 22, 2025

2025 Grow Green Match Day

13th Annual Grow Green Match Day: April 22, 2025

On this day, the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation (GMCF) will match donations made to participating non-profit organizations including the Beach Museum of Art.

Four Simple Ways to Give:

● In-person at Colony Square Atrium (555 Poyntz Avenue, Manhattan, Kansas) on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

● In-person at the Meadowlark’s Remote Donation Station at Prairie Star Restaurant (2121 Meadowlark Rd.) on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

● Online at GrowGreenManhattan.com on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, from 12:00 AM to 11:59 AM. Read about the Beach Museum of Art here.

● By mailing a check (not recommended due to the postal service delays): Must be received on or before 4/22/2025 and must include a completed 2025 Grow Green Match Day Giving Form. The donation form will be available online after March 17, 2025.

Mail to:  GMCF, P.O. Box 1127, Manhattan, KS  66505

GMCF has updated the verbiage from “postmarked” to “received” due to current mail delays, which are running approximately three weeks behind. To ensure donations are included in the matching fund amounts, they must be received by April 22, 2025. Donations received after this date will still be given to the designated nonprofits but will not be eligible for matching funds.

Donations will go directly to the non-profits; The 50% match will grow endowments
● In 2025, your donations will be made available to each organization for their immediate needs. The 50% match will go into their endowed fund at GMCF.

● Combined donations up to $15,000 will be matched at 50%, giving a maximum of $7,500 in matching funds to any one organization.


Grow Green Match Day logo

Please mark your calendars and plan to be a part of this wonderful day of giving in support of Your Art Museum. Thank you!

Trees in the Grasslands: Three Perspectives

Thurs., April 24, 2025 | 5:30 PM | Livestream | Free and open to all 

Click here to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the program via Zoom.

Join this livestream conversation about tree planting campaigns on the prairie and their impacts. Guest speakers are Dana Fritz, Hixson-Lied Professor of Art at University of Nebraska–Lincoln; Jesse Nippert, K-State University Distinguished Professor in the division of biology; and Carson Vaughan, author and freelance environmental reporter. Beach Museum of Art Curator Elizabeth Seaton serves as moderator.

The program is offered in conjunction with the exhibition, Field Guide to a Hybrid Landscape: Dana Fritz, open through Aug. 2, 2025 at the Beach Museum of Art. Admission to the museum and parking are free.


Current Exhibitions

Click here to view current Virtual Exhibitions

Gallery Exhibitions:

In Bloom
February 25–August 30, 2025

In Bloom exhibition

Field Guide to a Hybrid Landscape: Dana Fritz
February 4 – August 2, 2025


Printing Beyond Borders: Contemporary Indian Prints at Kansas State University
August 13, 2024 – May 31, 2025

Printing Beyond "Borders: Contemporary Indian Prints at Kansas State University" exhibition at the Beach Museum of Art

Prairie Views
Ongoing with new selections


2024-2025 K-State Common Works of Art

Chester (Chet ) E. Peters,
Communication, 1973,
philippine mahogany, red cedar,
rosewood, cherry, and walnut
with metal, 5 7/8 x 12 5/8 x 12 3/4 in., gift of the Doris Peters Trust, 2015.103 

Geraldine Craig, The Back Side of Words, 2009, mixed media, 30 x 37 in., 2010.17

Classes and Workshops

The Museum hosts a variety of classes and workshops throughout the year for all ages!

ARTSmart classes: Explore the current exhibitions. Each class includes looking activities in the galleries and an art project. Classes meet on the first Thursday of the month. 10:30 (ages 2-5) and 4:30 (all ages). Upcoming classes: April 3: April Showers bring May Flowers – botany

Homeschool Tuesdays meet on the first Tuesday of the month, allows Homeschool families to investigate the exhibitions and collection with curriculum integration. Tours are appropriate for those in Kindergarten and up and include an art project. Upcoming class: April 1, 1-2:30: April Showers bring May Flowers – botany

workshop at the Beach Museum of Art

Cost for each class above is $5 per child. Payment can be made with cash or check. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Reservations required. Please call (785)532-7718 or email bmaeducation@k-state.edu for reservations. If you need to cancel your reservation please let us know so we can call those on the waiting list.

Special price for Military Families: In conjunction with the Blue Star Museum program, the Beach Museum of Art offers Military Families half price on all workshops and classes!

Friends of the Beach Museum of Art members receive half price discount with membership card. Please click here to join the Friends of the Beach.


Stay Connected!

Visit us online at beach.k-state.edu

Send email to beachart@k-state.edu

Join the museum’s e-news list to stay up to date on everything at the museum.

Check out The Beach Blog for behind-the-scenes information, event info, and guest posts.

Follow us on Instagram | Follow us on Facebook

Subscribe to the museum’s YouTube channel to watch videos of art, artists and special programs.

Join the Beach Buddies Facebook Group to enjoy cool art, fun activities and resources for children, families and educators.

Elizabeth Layton, Untitled (business business business, you gotta have art)1991, Kansas State University, Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art, 1998.222

New on View!

In Bloom
February 25–August 30, 2025

Join us in celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Kansas State University Gardens with floral imagery from the museum’s collection. This exhibition is also our annual collaboration with the Manhattan Public Library’s summer reading program. The American Library Association has chosen the theme, “Color Our World,” and we promise a riot of color!

In Bloom exhibition title

Exhibition highlights include glass artist Dale Chihuly’s Imperial Iris Persian Pair, a gift of Ross and Marianna Beach, and Cubist artist George Braque’s Les Marguerites. Numerous Midwestern artists are represented, among them John F. Helm, Jr., Avis Chitwood, Birger Sandzén and Grant Wood. Wood’s Tame Flowers in the exhibition was hand colored by his sister, Nan Wood. Contemporary artists featured include Renée Stout, Karsten Creightney and Kate Nessler. Nessler’s Lady Slipper Orchid was a Royal Horticultural Society gold medal winner.

Elementary school tours of In Bloom will focus on botany and scientific drawing. The exhibition will also provide subject matter for the museum’s summer ARTSmart programs featuring visits to The Meadow north of the museum, discussions of the importance of pollinators and a variety of colorful art projects.

The exhibition has been co-curated by Gabriella Randall as part of a museum certificate program in K-State’s anthropology department. Randall is majoring in art history and minoring in classics. Her work on the exhibition was part of a 2024 summer internship at the Beach Museum of Art which was generously funded by Tony Crawford.

Major Sponsors: Friends of the Beach Museum of Art, Greater Manhattan Community Foundation’s Lincoln & Dorothy I. Deihl Community Grants Program
Sustaining Sponsors: Dan and Beth Bird
Media Sponsor: Radio Kansas

Related event

Let’s Talk Flowers with Karsten Creightney
A Let’s Talk Art conversation
Thursday, March 6, 2025 | 5:30 PM | Livestream | Free and open to all
Click here to register and join the free program via Zoom. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the program.

Field Guide to a Hybrid Landscape: Dana Fritz

2025 Friends of the Beach Museum of Art Gift Print Artist
February 4–August 2, 2025
This exhibition makes visible the forces that shaped what was once the world’s largest hand planted forest, now administered by the Nebraska National Forests and Grasslands. Black and white prints by photographer Dana Fritz reveal the patterns in sand, water, planting, and burning present in this late 19th-century experiment to create a timber industry and change the climate of a semi-arid Nebraska prairie. Fritz is Hixson-Lied Professor of Art at University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

 Dana Fritz, Fire Tower View, 2021, inkjet print, 16 x 40 in., courtesy of the artistDana Fritz, Fire Tower View, 2021, inkjet print, 16 x 40 in., courtesy of the artist

Related Event

Trees in the Grasslands: Three Perspectives
Livestream conversation | Thursday, April 24, 2025 | 5:30 PM | Free and open to all
Click here to register and join the free program via Zoom. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the program.

Join us for a conversation about tree planting campaigns on the prairie and their impacts with Dana Fritz, Hixson-Lied Professor of Art at University of Nebraska–Lincoln; Jesse Nippert, K-State University Distinguished Professor in the division of biology; and Carson Vaughan, author and freelance environmental reporter. Curator Dr. Elizabeth Seaton serves as moderator.

2025 Gift Print:
Every two years the Friends of the Beach Museum of Art commissions a limited-edition print by a recognized Kansas artist for sale to the public. Kansas State University’s Friends of Art started the gift print program in 1934. Dana Fritz’s Tallgrass Orientation is the 2025 Friends of the Beach Museum of Art Gift Print and is available for purchase at the museum. Fritz has written about the work:

Inspired by my 2023 Tallgrass artist residency in the Kansas Flint Hills, I layered compass plant leaves with a topographic map of the area where I collected them. The fingers of their giant leaves point to the poles and orient their flat faces to the east and west sun. Indigenous and settler travelers valued compass plants for orientation in a vast landscape with few large landmarks. I was struck by the resemblance between the shape of the compass plant leaves and the topographic representation of the land around Matfield Green.

For more information about becoming a Friend or purchasing this year’s gift print, please contact the museum at 785-532-7718 or email rlonborg@ksu.edu. Friends of the Beach Museum of Art receive a 25% discount.

Dana Fritz, "Tallgrass Orientation," 2024, inkjet print, 16 x 20 in., courtesy of the artist

Dana Fritz, Tallgrass Orientation, 2024, inkjet print, 16 x 20 in., courtesy of the artist


Double Take: Gallery Tour of Select Artworks

Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025, 5:30-6 PM | Beach Museum of Art | Free and open to all

Gallery conversation at the Beach Museum of Art

What is the artist trying to say? Is there a story behind that?
Hosted by Beach Museum Specialist Nate McClendon, this program will answer these questions as it offers insight and perspective into selected artworks on display at the museum. Joined by curators, artists, and museum staff, we will explore the intentions, motivations, and related stories behind the artwork and exhibition presentations. Specifically, we will explore how the art relates to and reflects themes and experiences of modern society. This 30-minute program will also provide a platform for participants to anonymously share and observe reactions to the art in real time.

Join us throughout the year as we take a closer look into selected works on exhibit at YOUR art museum.

Let’s Talk Flowers with Karsten Creightney

Logo of "Let's Talk Art," Beach museum's series of monthly discussions with artists and creative thinkers about work in the museum's collection.

A Let’s Talk Art livestream conversation about the role the flower plays in the paintings and prints of Albuquerque-based Karsten Creightney.

Thursday, March 6, 2025 | 5:30 PM | Livestream | Free and open to all
Click here to register and join the free program via Zoom. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the program.

The artist depicts what he calls “partly lived, partly imagined” places and often gives special attention to the flower as a signifier of locale and emotion. Creightney is a professor of printmaking at the University of New Mexico. This program is organized in conjunction with the Beach Museum’s exhibition, In Bloom, open Feb. 25 – Aug. 30, 2025.

Print "Lily I" by Karsten Creightney showing a yellow lily flower

Karsten Creightney, Lily I, 2010, color monotype with chine collé containing a transfer drawing on paper, 19 7/8 x 15 3/4 in., 2010.60

India: A Cultural Celebration

Thurs., March 13, 2025 | 5:30-7:30 PM | Beach Museum of Art | Free and open to all

Join this celebration that presents glimpses into the culture of India. The event will explore the multi-faceted art of Indian printmaking through hands-on art activities and interactive experiences. Bring your family and friends—we can’t wait to celebrate with you!

  • Explore printing with Indian wood blocks.
  • Have your name written in multiple Indian languages.
  • See a special gallery presentation and performance.
  • Enjoy music and complimentary Indian treats.

Organized in collaboration with the K-State chapter of the Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture Amongst Youth (SPICMACAY) and K-State Indian Students Association.

Offered in conjunction with the exhibition Printing Beyond Borders: Contemporary Indian Prints at Kansas State University. It features artworks by contemporary printmakers working in India and collected by Charles Stroh, professor of printmaking and former head of the K-State art department who traveled to India in the 1980s. The exhibition highlights Stroh’s research and contributions he made to place Kansas and K-State within a vibrant cultural network encompassing the Midwest and India and the global art world.

Printing Beyond "Borders: Contemporary Indian Prints at Kansas State University" exhibition at the Beach Museum of Art

Celebrate Art and Math

Math Circle Seminar at K-State: 15 Years Celebration
Sat., March 29, 2025 | 1-3 PM | Beach Museum of Art | Free and open to all

Join us for a special event, Celebrating Art and Math, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Math Circle Seminar at Kansas State University.

Math puzzles and games for all skill levels
• Build an icosahedron and other cool things
• Chess, set and more games to challenge your friends
• Gallery quest with prizes from the treasure box
• Explore the “Math Secrets of the Art” museum tour
and more!

Don’t miss out on this exciting milestone. See you there!

15 Years of Math Circle at Kansas State University image

Current Exhibitions

Click here to view current Virtual Exhibitions

Gallery Exhibitions:

In Bloom
February 25–August 30, 2025

In Bloom exhibition

Field Guide to a Hybrid Landscape: Dana Fritz
February 4 – August 2, 2025


Printing Beyond Borders: Contemporary Indian Prints at Kansas State University
August 13, 2024 – May 31, 2025

Printing Beyond "Borders: Contemporary Indian Prints at Kansas State University" exhibition at the Beach Museum of Art

Prairie Views
Ongoing with new selections


2024-2025 K-State Common Works of Art

Chester (Chet ) E. Peters,
Communication, 1973,
philippine mahogany, red cedar,
rosewood, cherry, and walnut
with metal, 5 7/8 x 12 5/8 x 12 3/4 in., gift of the Doris Peters Trust, 2015.103 

Geraldine Craig, The Back Side of Words, 2009, mixed media, 30 x 37 in., 2010.17