Water Stories by Lynn Benson
2018 Friends of the Beach Museum of Art Gift Print Artist
February 13 – May 26, 2018
In 1969, the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio, burst into flames due to sparks falling on oil-covered debris floating on its surface. The news caught Lynn Benson’s attention and inspired her to study how human activity affects a vitally important resource: water. Benson’s multi-media works in this exhibition represent bodies of water impacted by development and politics. The new gift print will be available for purchase after February 13, 2018, with a 25% discount for Friends at the annual $100 giving level and above. For more information on supporting the museum as a Friend or purchasing a gift print contact Robin Lonborg at 785-532-7718 or rlonborg@k-state.edu
Top image: Lynn Benson, Hudson River at Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant; Missouri & Kansas Rivers at Kansas City; Amazon River Delta, Brazil (detail), from the series Drops in Petri Dishes, 2016-present, glass, acrylic, paper vellum, colored pencil, ink, 4 x 4 x ¾ in., courtesy of the artist
Bottom image: Lynn Benson, Dancing on the Table, 2017, lithograph with chine collé, gold leaf, and hand drawing, edition of 13, 10 3/4 x 10 15/16 inches, Bedrock Art Editions, 2018 Friends of the Beach Museum of Art Gift Print, photo courtesy of the artist