Kansas State University


Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art

Category: November 2015

Thomas Hart Benton and Hollywood

Art for Every Home speaker series presentation on Nov. 19 at 5:30 p.m.

Benton_HollywoodErika Doss, University of Notre Dame professor of American studies will discuss the relationship between Thomas Hart Benton and Hollywood.  Light snacks will be provided for this free talk in the Beach Museum of Art UMB Theater.

Image: John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath, with lithographs by Thomas Hart Benton (Limited Editions Club, 1940), Kansas State University, Hale Library, The Richard L. D. and Marjorie J. Morse Department of Special Collections

Artist Talk: Climate Strange

A talk by Jacqueline Bishop
Thursday, December 3, 5:30p.m.Jacqueline Bishop, Terra #276: Varied Thrush

Jacqueline Bishop’s work is currently on view in the exhibition “Songs for the Earth”.  Bishop explores psychological connections between humans and nonhumans through paintings, drawings and printmaking.  Influenced by more than two decades of traveling the forests in the Amazon, experiencing Hurricane Katrina, and documenting the BP Oil Spill, her work addresses the politics behind species extinction, and eco-political injustice. The result is surreal landscapes impacted by technology, industrialization, and overpopulation. In these environments birds, symbols for Bishop of the human soul, call out for careful consideration of the delicate balance between organisms and the earth.  Light snacks will be provided after this free talk in the Beach Museum of Art UMB Theater.

Image: Jacqueline Bishop, Terra #276: Varied Thrush, 1999, oil on wood with acrylic on paper and metal nails

Current Exhibitions

Jacqueline Groag, Puppet Ballet, 1953

Art for Every Home: Associated American Artists
Sept 15, 2015 – January 31, 2016

2015 Common Works of Art
August 24, 2015 – July 2016

Jacqueline Bishop: Songs for the Earth
August 4 – December 20, 2015

Stan Herd: Cairns on the Beach
Fall 2014 – May 2017

Image: Jacqueline Groag, (Great Britain, born Czechoslovakia, 1903–1986), Puppet Ballet, 1953, cotton, printed, Associated American Artists for Signature Fabrics by M. Lowenstein & Sons, Museum purchase, American Textile History Museum, Lowell, Massachusetts, 1999.35.1

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The museum is open Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat 10a.m.-5p.m., Thurs 10a.m.-8p.m., Sun, 12p.m.-5p.m.  Free admission.  Free parking.

Please note, the Beach Museum of Art will be closed Nov. 26-27 and December 21 – January 4.