Kansas State University


Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art

Tag: livestream conversations

Let’s Talk Flowers with Karsten Creightney

Logo of "Let's Talk Art," Beach museum's series of monthly discussions with artists and creative thinkers about work in the museum's collection.

A Let’s Talk Art livestream conversation about the role the flower plays in the paintings and prints of Albuquerque-based Karsten Creightney.

Thursday, March 6, 2025 | 5:30 PM | Livestream | Free and open to all
Click here to register and join the free program via Zoom. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the program.

The artist depicts what he calls “partly lived, partly imagined” places and often gives special attention to the flower as a signifier of locale and emotion. Creightney is a professor of printmaking at the University of New Mexico. This program is organized in conjunction with the Beach Museum’s exhibition, In Bloom, open Feb. 25 – Aug. 30, 2025.

Print "Lily I" by Karsten Creightney showing a yellow lily flower

Karsten Creightney, Lily I, 2010, color monotype with chine collé containing a transfer drawing on paper, 19 7/8 x 15 3/4 in., 2010.60

Livestream Presentation

Decorating Schools & Shaping the City: Women’s Clubs and School Art Collecting, 1900-1940
Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024, 5:30 PM Central Time
(US and Canada)
Livestream presentation by Sylvia Rhor Samaniego, director and curator, University Art Gallery (UAG), University of Pittsburgh. Free and open to the public.

Join the free program via Zoom. Click here to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the program.

Offered in conjunction with the exhibition To the Stars Through Art: A History of Art Collecting in Kansas Public Schools, 1900-1950, currently on view at the Beach Museum of Art.

Sylvia Rhor SamaniegoSylvia Rhor Samaniego additionally serves as a senior lecturer in the department of history of art and architecture. Before joining the UAG, Rhor Samaniego was a professor of art history at Carlow University. At Carlow, she served as founding director of the university’s first academic art gallery. Rhor Samaniego earned a master’s degree and doctorate in art history from the University of Pittsburgh and bachelor’s degree in studio art and art history from New York University, where she was a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Minority Scholar. Her research interests include 20th-century US mural painting, political cartoons and comics, and the intersection of modern art and politics.

"To the Stars Through Art" exhibition at the Beach Museum of Art

This virtual event is part of the Beach Museum of Art’s “Art in Motion” annual program series.


Livestream Conversation

Best Practices for the Care of Art in Schools
Thursday, November 16, 2023, 5:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Livestream conversation
Free and open to the public

Join the free program via Zoom. Click here to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the program.

Join the conversation with Nicole Grabow, Director of Preventive Conservation at the Midwest Art Conservation Center, and Sarah Price, Beach Museum of Art Collections Manager as they offer guidance about caring for art collections in public schools, and help with questions about conservation and storage as well as managing artwork records and digital images. Offered in conjunction with the exhibition To the Stars Through Art: A History of Art Collecting in Kansas Public Schools, 1900–1950 at the Beach Museum of Art. Free and open to the public

Nicole Grabow (left), Sarah Price (right)

Nicole Grabow is Director of Preventive Conservation at the Midwest Art Conservation Center (MACC), a non-profit center for preservation and conservation. A trained Objects and Preventive Conservator with over 15 years of experience, Grabow works with the collection caretakers from hundreds of non-profit organizations to advance preservation efforts and enhance the level of collections care in the Midwest region and beyond. She holds a master of science degree from the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation and is a Fellow of the American Institute for Conservation.

This virtual event is part of the Beach Museum of Art’s Art in Motion annual program series.

Livestream Conversation

Connecting to Feminism: Women Artists at K-State
April 6, 2023, 5:30 p.m. (Central Time US and Canada)

Join the free program via Zoom. Click here to registerAfter registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the program.

Current and former faculty from K-State’s Department of Art will discuss how Feminism impacted their careers as women artists. Not all of the panelists have worked in the Feminist category, but Feminism continues to influence both the art world and contemporary society. This livestream conversation is moderated by Theresa Marie Ketterer, curator of the exhibition Voices: Women Artists in the Era of Second Wave Feminism. The panel includes Geraldine Craig, Rebecca Hackemann, Nancy Morrow, Mervi Pakaste and Terri Schmidt.

This virtual event is part of the Beach Museum of Art’s “Art in Motion” annual program series.

Flyer for the livestream conversation "Connecting to Feminism: Women Artists at K-State" April 6, 2023. beach.k-state.edu/calendar

Livestream Conversation

Logo of "Let's Talk Art," Beach museum's series of monthly discussions with artists and creative thinkers about work in the museum's collection.

Let’s Talk Art: Livestream Conversation with Artist David Lebrun and Composer Yuval Ron
Thursday, Feb. 16, 2023, 12 p.m. Central Time (US and Canada)

Join the free program via Zoom. Click here to register.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the program.

Artist David Lebrun photo

Join a virtual conversation with the artists of the video installation Transfigurations: Reanimating Ancient Art of India at the Beach Museum of Art. This multimedia exhibition created by David Lebrun features twelfth-century century sculptures from Southern India in a unique and powerful way through combination of high-resolution photography, animation and specially composed music by Yuval Ron. Moderated by Jui Mhatre, Beach Museum Communications and Marketing Specialist.

< David Lebrun


Composer Yuval Ron photo

This event is part of the Beach Museum of Art’s ‘Art in Motion’ annual program series.



<Yuval Ron


"Transfigurations: Reanimating Ancient Art of India" exhibition at the Beach Museum of Art.

Livestream Conversation

Logo of "Let's Talk Art," Beach museum's series of monthly discussions with artists and creative thinkers about work in the museum's collection.

Let’s Talk Art: Livestream Conversation with Fidencio Fifield-Perez on Maps, Borders, and Migration
Thursday, Oct 6, 2022, 5:30 p.m. Central Time (US and Canada)

Join the free program via Zoom. Click here to register.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the program.

 Fidencio Fifield-Perez Photo by Ryan BachFidencio Fifield-Perez, born in Mexico and raised in the U.S., uses his art to tell stories about his experience as a child immigrant and the systems of border control that affect human lives. He and Curator Aileen June Wang will discuss his work Fishers of Men in the museum’s collection, which is currently on display to express the museum’s solidarity with Ukrainians displaced by the war between their country and Russia. 

Photo by Ryan Bach

Mixed media artwork "Fishers of Men" by Fidencio Fifield-Perez in the Beach Museum of Art collection
Fidencio Fifield-Perez, Fishers of Men, 2016, acrylic and ink on cut maps, 96 x 108 in., 2018.340

This event is part of the Beach Museum of Art’s ‘Art in Motion’ annual program series.

Seeing Freedom? Livestream Conversation with Elisabeth Anker on the Diverse Meanings of Iconic Images and Objects

Thursday, September 22, 5:30 p.m.
Livestream conversation
Join the free program via Zoom. Click here to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the program.

Elisabeth AnkerJoin Beach Museum Curator Aileen June Wang and Elisabeth R. Anker, associate professor of American studies and political science at George Washington University, for a livestream conversation about the surprisingly many meanings that “iconic” words, images, and objects can have. Professor Anker has done research on how the word “freedom” represented different ideas throughout the history of the United States. Elisabeth Anker is also the author of two books, Orgies of Feeling: Melodrama and the Politics of Freedom, and Ugly Freedoms, which was just published in January 2022. She is co-editor of the journal Theory & Event, and a regular news commentator on international TV.

Elisabeth R. Anker

"Kneeling Flag" sculpture by artist Archie Scott Gobber

Offered in conjunction with the exhibition Do You See What I See? at the Beach Museum of Art. Open Sept. 6, 2022 – May 27, 2023. Image: Archie Scott Gobber, Kneeling Flag (black), 2018, enamel and clear coat on steel, 58.25 x 48 x 36.5 in. photo by E.G. Schempf. Part of the Do You See What I See? exhibition

This virtual event is part of the Beach Museum of Art’s “Art in Motion” annual program series.

Support provided by

Art Bridges Foundation logo

Let’s Talk Art: Indigenous Aesthetics

Logo of "Let's Talk Art," Beach museum's series of monthly discussions with artists and creative thinkers about work in the museum's collection.

Let’s Talk Art: Indigenous Aesthetics
Livestream Conversation
Thursday, March 3, 2022, 5:30 p.m. Central Time (US and Canada)

Join the free program via Zoom. Click here to register.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the program.

Beach Museum of Art Director Linda Duke moderates the livestream conversation as artists Neal Ambrose-Smith (Salish-Kootenai, Métis-Cree, Sho-Ban) and Norman Akers (Osage Nation) reflect on use of space and representation in their work. Ambrose Smith is the creator of the 2021-2022 K-State Common Work of ArtFrom Upstream I Caught a Fish.

Let's Talk Art with guests Neal Ambrose Smith and Norman Akers

This event is part of the Beach Museum of Art’s ‘Art in Motion’ annual program series.

Let’s Talk Art: Considering the Dance Film ”Martin” by Gordon Parks

Logo of "Let's Talk Art," Beach museum's series of monthly discussions with artists and creative thinkers about work in the museum's collection.

Livestream conversation:
Considering the Dance Film Martin by Gordon Parks

Thursday, January 27, 2022, 5:30 p.m. Central Time (US and Canada)

Theresa Ruth HowardJoin the free program via Zoom. Click here to register.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the program.

Curator Aileen June Wang discusses Parks’ 1990 ballet film honoring Martin Luther King, Jr., with guest Theresa Ruth Howard, ballet dancer and founder-curator of MoBBallet.org (Memoirs of Blacks in Ballet).


Theresa Ruth Howard. Photo by Eva Harris

A still from the dance film "Martin" by Gordon Parks.

Preview different acts of the ballet film through the link below: 


Top image: A still from the dance film Martin by Gordon Parks.

This event is part of the Beach Museum of Art’s ‘Art in Motion’ annual program series.