What would be the sound of art if it were music? What would be the pitch of any given color, or the rhythm of a brushstroke? See art through the ears of musicians as they verbally share their reflection of a piece of art then musically express it through live musical performance. This video series, led by Beach Museum’s Teaching Artist and saxophonist Nate McClendon, features local and Kansas State University musicians who ask “Do you Hear What I’m Seeing?”
Nate McClendon >
This summer will feature two “Hear What I’m Seeing?” episodes:
The first places a spotlight on refugees of the war in Ukraine by looking at the artwork Fishers of Men by artist Fidencio Fifield-Perez. Musical guest is the Manhattan High School Chamber Orchestra with director Mr. Cody Toll performing the piece “Prayer for Peace.”
The second is a very eclectic offering by K-State professor of music Dr. Kurt Gardner. Dr. Gardner will be performing on his MalletKAT using sampled sounds from a Lithophone (tuned stones) to add to the soundscape for the current exhibition 45 Paleolithic Handaxes by David Lebrun.

Fishers of Men by Fidencio Fifield-Perez displayed by Exhibition Designer Lindsay Smith.
Check the Beach museum’s social media channels for new video releases: Facebook: BeachMuseumofArt | Instagram: beachmuseum | Twitter: @BeachMuseum
Visit the museum’s YouTube channel to watch all episodes.