“Let’s Talk About Safety”
by Justin W. Waggoner, beef systems specialist
Most of you reading this are likely involved in agriculture in some capacity. Would
you consider agriculture to be a high risk industry? The reality is that agriculture is a dangerous business. A recently released report from the U. S. Department of Labor contains some staggering statistics and emphasizes the need for safety. In 2015, farmers, ranchers and agriculture managers were the second greatest civilian occupation with regard to fatal work-related injuries; with 252 reported fatalities in 2015. Fatal injuries among agriculture workers increased 22 percent in 2015, with 180 deaths. In addition, the most frequent vehicle involved in the 253 non-roadway fatalities reported was a farm tractor. These statistics are sobering. The need for safety in our industry is real and present.
When was your last discussion about safety with your family or employees? Spring
is a great time to have those conversations. A quote from Dr. Keith Bolsen, K-State Emeritus Professor, comes to mind, “Our number one goal is to send everyone home safe at night; if an operation isn’t safe nothing else really matters.”
The full report from the U.S. Department of Labor may be accessed at