Beef Tips

Traits of Successful Teams in The Workplace

Justin Waggoner, KSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, Garden City, KS

Most of us have had some experience with being part of a team or different groups of individuals. Some teams of individuals are highly successful and some are not. What makes some teams more successful than others. The tech giant “Google” has invested a great deal of time and resources into studying teams and reported ( that their most successful teams have the following traits.

Successful teams

  • Establish psychological safety within the team. The team creates an environment where all members of the team feel free to bring new ideas forward to the group.
  • Are dependable. The team holds its members accountable, getting things done on time and up to the standards of the group.
  • Have structure and clarity. The members of the team know their role in the team and have a clear vision of the team’s structure and the expectations associated with their role on the team.
  • Have a purpose. The team members believe that what they are doing matters.

A wealth of information on building teams and characteristics can be found with a simple internet search.

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