Beef Tips

Communication in the Workplace

Justin Waggoner, KSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, Garden City, KS

Effective communication is essential in the workplace. Communication is an important aspect of workplace satisfaction, organizational productivity and customer service. In today’s world there are many different methods of
communication, which adds to the complexity and challenge of communicating in the workplace. There are countless examples of poor communication that led to unfortunate, unintended outcomes. So, what is effective communication and how can we become better communicators? Effective communication in the workplace
accurately conveys information in a clear and concise manner while maintaining or enhancing personal relationships. Communication is a two-way process and requires an intentional effort from both the sender and the receiver. A recent article from Penn State Extension ( suggests that senders should clearly define the idea of the message and identify the purpose of the message (gain information, behavior change etc.) before sending. Senders also have to be increasingly aware of the physical and emotional environment the message is communicated in. Receivers are encouraged to focus on the message, and not let emotions determine the meaning of the words. It also best to assume positive intent and ask clarify questions if necessary. Effective organizational communication is essential and should strengthen the workplace by building trust and commitment within the organization.

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