Beef Tips

Category: March 2022

Understand hayfield nutrition management for long-term productivity

by Bruno Pedreira, extension agronomist, Parsons, KS.

Producing hay is more than a simple agricultural activity. It requires soil, forage, equipment, and weather knowledge to put-up high-quality hay. The fundamental process behind a bale of hay is the harnessing of the sun’s energy, water, and the supply of plant nutrients from the soil to produce plant biomass. There is not much producers can control regarding the sun’s energy availability but there are a couple of actions that can be taken to improve plant nutrition. Continue reading “Understand hayfield nutrition management for long-term productivity”

Cow-calf producers have options for managing price risk

By Jennifer Ifft, agricultural policy extension specialist

Farmers and ranchers face risk every day. Individual producers have many tools to mitigate risk, such as vaccination or irrigation, but never have complete control over production outcomes. Price risk is one example of the many types of risk that can influence farm income. Continue reading “Cow-calf producers have options for managing price risk”

EPA Limits The Use Of Ear Tags Containing Chlorpyrifos

by Cassandra Olds, extension entomologist

Per a final rule issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and published in the Federal Register August 30, 2021, all food tolerances for the insecticide chlorpyrifos will expire after February 28, 2022. Continue reading “EPA Limits The Use Of Ear Tags Containing Chlorpyrifos”

Impact of Disclosing Labeling Information on Consumer Sensory Evaluation of Ground Beef From a Similar Source

Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the effect of providing labeling information prior to evaluation on consumers’ palatability ratings of ground beef from a similar source. Continue reading “Impact of Disclosing Labeling Information on Consumer Sensory Evaluation of Ground Beef From a Similar Source”

Effect of Holstein and Beef-Dairy Cross Breed Description on the Sale Price of Feeder and Weaned Calf Lots Sold Through Video Auctions

Objective: Objectives were to determine: 1) value of Holstein feeder steer lots compared with steer lots of other breed descriptions, 2) value of beef-dairy cross weaned steer calves compared with either Holstein weaned calves or weaned calves of other breed descriptions, and 3) value of beef-dairy cross weaned calves compared with weaned calves of other beef breed descriptions sold through video auctions. Continue reading “Effect of Holstein and Beef-Dairy Cross Breed Description on the Sale Price of Feeder and Weaned Calf Lots Sold Through Video Auctions”

Effect of Ruminally-Protected Lysine Supplementation to Growing Cattle on Growth and Subsequent Finishing Performance

Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of ruminally-protected lysine supplementation fed during the growing phase to cattle limit-fed a corn-based diet, and to evaluate the subsequent finishing performance. Continue reading “Effect of Ruminally-Protected Lysine Supplementation to Growing Cattle on Growth and Subsequent Finishing Performance”