Beef Tips

Category: November 2018

Tally Time – Troubleshooting Poor Pregnancy Rates

By Sandy Johnson, extension beef specialist, Colby, KS

From time to time, you hear through the grapevine that someone’s herd had an unusually high number of open cows at fall preg check time.  That is when you wipe your brow and say “glad that didn’t happen to my herd”!   In some cases, the poor reproductive response is isolated to a particular pasture, bull or age/management group and the origin of the problem may be easier to find.  If not, the search for an answer will take longer and will be helped by accurate and complete records, and sometimes diagnostic testing. What follows highlights some of the starting points for troubleshooting. Continue reading “Tally Time – Troubleshooting Poor Pregnancy Rates”

KSRE Winter 2017-2018 Crop Residue Survey

by Sandy Johnson, extension beef specialist, Colby, KS; and Dale Blasi, stocker, forages nutrition & management specialist

Kansas agriculture agents surveyed 180 producers from November 2017 through March of 2018 on their use of crop residue for grazing livestock.   Responses came from producers that raise crops and graze their own crop residue (51%), do not have crop ground but rent or lease crop residue to graze (22%), grow crops and do not let livestock graze residue (17%) and raise crops and sometimes rent crop residue for grazing (9%).  Crops raised included 56% corn, 60% soybeans, 35% milo and 34% alfalfa.  Corn was the most common crop available for grazing (55%) followed by hay regrowth (47%), milo (35%), alfalfa (30%) and soybeans (30%).  A majority of responses were from east central Kansas as shown in Figure 1.  Location of grazing was provide in 145 responses, 27 respondents reported grazing crop residue in 2 or more counties. Continue reading “KSRE Winter 2017-2018 Crop Residue Survey”

Survey Results of Recommended Practices Made by Veterinarians to Cow/calf Operators

by A.J. Tarpoff, DVM, MS. beef extension veterinarian

As fall weather approaches, ranchers are planning to bring cattle in off of summer grazing pastures and prepare for weaning. This gives an opportunity to handle these cattle and administer animal health products as a part of a preventative herd health strategy. Product usage and management strategies that are implemented are often decided after a discussion with the local veterinarian. Continue reading “Survey Results of Recommended Practices Made by Veterinarians to Cow/calf Operators”

Calving Schools Planned

K-State to host seven events around Kansas.

 MANHATTAN, Kan. –In anticipation of calving season, Kansas State University Animal Sciences and Industry and K-State Research and Extension are planning a series of calving schools beginning in November and finishing up in January. Continue reading “Calving Schools Planned”

K-State Research and Extension Resources at your fingertips

Most operations have multiple enterprises to manage and all have to deal with business plans, taxes, and financial aspects.  So while and BeefTips might provide you useful information for your cattle operation, there a number of other great resources available through K-State Research and Extension to support the broader aspects of your business.   A few of those are highlighted below. Continue reading “K-State Research and Extension Resources at your fingertips”