Beef Tips

Tag: marketing

Marketing Calves

by Justin Waggoner, KSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, Garden City, KS

It’s time to start thinking about our management and marketing strategies for this year’s spring calf crop. Margins in the cattle industry and agriculture are often unfortunately narrow (even with projections of record-setting high calf prices). Therefore, I would offer that maximizing calf revenue is important for cow/calf producers every year. Calf revenue from my academic perspective is driven by 3 factors, 1.) the number of calves sold, 2.) sale weight of calves and 3.) price received. Continue reading “Marketing Calves”

Livestock Risk Protection – What is price insurance worth?

By Jennifer Ifft, agricultural policy extension specialist and Sandy Johnson, Extension Beef Specialist, Colby

Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) is price insurance that pays out when market prices for feeder cattle (or fed cattle) are lower than expected. For example, if a producer calves in March and sells weaned calves around September, they can purchase LRP in March and “lock in” September futures prices. If by September, actual prices are lower than expected, they may receive a payment, or indemnity.   Continue reading “Livestock Risk Protection – What is price insurance worth?”

Cow-calf producers have options for managing price risk

By Jennifer Ifft, agricultural policy extension specialist

Farmers and ranchers face risk every day. Individual producers have many tools to mitigate risk, such as vaccination or irrigation, but never have complete control over production outcomes. Price risk is one example of the many types of risk that can influence farm income. Continue reading “Cow-calf producers have options for managing price risk”