Dear Friends,
The fall 2013 Department of Marketing Advisory Council meeting will be on Friday, September 20, 2013 at the K-State Alumni Center. The Department of Marketing at Kansas State University takes great pride in its strong relationship with alumni and the business community. The Marketing Advisory Council provides an essential link with both the business community and our alumni. The Advisory Council has been developed for the purpose of improving Marketing education at Kansas State University.
The Advisory Council shares our commitment to maintaining an excellent program and its members are willing to devote their time and energy to help us meet the challenges of continuous improvement. The Advisory Council is a major link with our external constituents. This group serves in an advisory capacity for course and curriculum issues within the Marketing Department. We are delighted to announce that the following companies have recently become members of our Advisory Council; NetStandard, Nielsen, and PepsiCo. If a company is interested in serving on our Advisory Council, they may contact me for specific details at
The program on September 20th will include an update on activities at the University, in the College of Business Administration, and in the Marketing Department. We will also feature a discussion and feedback session of our curriculum, an update on the development of the sales lab, and continue our popular student-advisory council networking session designed to give more interaction with our students. We would like to say thank you to Hormel Foods for sponsoring our Advisory Council luncheon and to Sherwin-Williams for sponsoring our annual golf tournament. The golf tournament will start at 3:30 pm following the Advisory Council meeting.
Kevin Gwinner, Department Head