Kansas State University


Department of Marketing

Author: cleeds

Dear Friends,

The fall 2013 Department of Marketing Advisory Council meeting will be on Friday, September 20, 2013 at the K-State Alumni Center.  The Department of Marketing at Kansas State University takes great pride in its strong relationship with alumni and the business community.  The Marketing Advisory Council provides an essential link with both the business community and our alumni.  The Advisory Council has been developed for the purpose of improving Marketing education at Kansas State University.  Continue reading

Making the Sale: News from the National Strategic Selling Institute

Prepared by Dawn Deeter (ddeeter@k-state.edu), Director of the NSSI.

It’s hard to believe the NSSI is beginning its third year!  We have had a number of successes, including being named by the Sales Education Foundation as one of the 2013 Top Universities for Sales.  Continue reading “Making the Sale: News from the National Strategic Selling Institute”

Social Media and Sales Workshop on September 27

For the second year, the National Strategic Selling Institute is pleased to host Susan Young of Get-in-Front Communications.  Susan, CEO of a 12-year old public relations company, is an award-winning pro with 26 years experience in radio news, social media, PR, sales, and business communication.  Continue reading “Social Media and Sales Workshop on September 27”

Deeter Earns Leadership Roles in National Sales Association

By Kansas State University Division of Communications and Marketing

Dawn Deeter, professor of marketing in the College of Business Administration, has been elected vice president of the University Sales Center Alliance for the 2013-2015 term, and will be president for the 2015-2017 term. Continue reading “Deeter Earns Leadership Roles in National Sales Association”

Top Rank: College of Business Administration’s Sales Program Rates Among the Best

By Kansas State University Division of Communications and Marketing

The sales program at Kansas State University’s College of Business Administration has been named one of the top sales programs in the country by the Sales Education Foundation. It’s the second consecutive year that the foundation has acknowledged the university’s program as among the best.

“We are thrilled to be recognized and be among these notable institutions,” said Dawn Deeter, the J.J. Vanier distinguished chair in relational selling, professor of marketing and director of the National Strategic Selling Institute in the College of Business Administration, which sponsors the sales program at the university. “Our students work very hard and are getting the recognition they deserve.” Continue reading “Top Rank: College of Business Administration’s Sales Program Rates Among the Best”

Sales Students Earn Money for Scholarships and Program Enhancements

By Kansas State University News and Editorial Services

Taking what they learned in the classroom, sales students in Kansas State University’s College of Business Administration have raised more than $11,000 and will use their more than $5,000 in profits for scholarships, student travel and sales program enhancements.

The students planned, organized and made sales calls for the recent National Strategic Selling Institute Benefit Auction, an event that featured donated items from alumni and friends of the college to benefit the institute. Continue reading “Sales Students Earn Money for Scholarships and Program Enhancements”

K-State Marketers Compete in National Competition

By Logan Britton

A team of students from Kansas State University finished in third place at this year’s national marketing competition hosted by the National Agri-Marketing Association. The competition was April 17-18 in Kansas City, Mo.

NAMA Marketing Team - April 2013Team members included: Cassie Kniebel, Michelle Hill, Kendal Clawson, Annie Patterson, Preston Lagemann, Kellie Jackson, Taylor Peterson, Brady Rundel, Gordon Harton, Hannah Miller, Kelsey Harris, Kurtis Clawson, Kendall Voth, Logan Britton and Marie Klimova. The team is coached by David Lehman, instructor in the department of marketing. Continue reading “K-State Marketers Compete in National Competition”

Global Classroom

Business students spend nine days in Europe learning about marketing-mix strategies 

Prepared by: Swinder Janda, 785-532-5439, swinder@k-state.edu

At Kansas State University, learning business in the College of Business Administration means not only working in the classroom, but also visiting companies across the world.

Twenty-two students in the spring semester’s International Business class got a taste of two European cultures during their spring break faculty-led trip to the United Kingdom and Germany.

The nine-day trip focused on marketing-mix strategies. Taught by Swinder Janda, professor of marketing and the Robert M. Edgerley chair in global business, the course creates awareness of the contemporary international environment and how it affects the United States, in addition to providing students with an experiential learning opportunity pertaining to global marketing. Continue reading “Global Classroom”

Research Looks at How a Box Office Success Can Translate Internationally

By Kansas State University News and Editorial Services

Hollywood will have the box office heating up this summer with dozens of blockbuster films. But whether a movie is a worldwide box office bomb or a box office bonanza has a lot to do with the culture and release strategy in other countries, says a Kansas State University researcher.

Reo Song, assistant professor of marketing, studies international business and focuses on the impact of marketing strategy and culture on the international performance of new products. He is currently working on seven movie-related studies, four of which have been submitted to top-tier academic journals. Continue reading “Research Looks at How a Box Office Success Can Translate Internationally”