Kansas State University


K-State College of Education

Business education students compete at national convention

From left: Drew Proctor, Kylie Miller, Kyle Hammel, Samantha Shirley, Jeff Suther and Morgan Abel.

K-State’s chapter of Pi Omega Pi, the national business teacher honor society, placed second out of 21 chapters at its combined convention with the National Business Education Association, NBEA, April 16-20 in Atlanta, Ga.

The College of Education sent Darla Stone, instructor in business education, and six business education majors to this year’s convention. The students, who participated with educators from across the country to learn the latest trends in business education, were Samantha Shirley, Kylie Miller, Drew Proctor, Jeff Suther, Morgan Abel and Kyle Hammel.

Stone believes opportunities to attend a national convention such as NBEA is an important part of students’ professional development.

“I especially appreciate how my students connect as a group from an experience like this,” she said. “They form a bond that gives them a network throughout their professional lives.”

Stone and Shirley were both elected to national positions. Stone was re-elected as secretary-treasurer of the Pi Omega Pi council, and she has held various elective offices for 13 years. Shirley was elected to serve as the organization’s student representative. This prestigious position gives her the unique opportunity to be the voice for business education students nationwide.

One thought on “Business education students compete at national convention
  1. It’s great to see that the Business Education department (faculty and students) continues to accomplish great things. Go Wildcats!

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