A team of three personal financial planning students earned second place in the national Industry Issues competition recently.
Students are undergraduates Mariah Bausch and Cole Foster, and master’s degree student Andy Rao. They earned $3,000 scholarship money for the K-State program.
Their coaches were Stuart Heckman and Martin Seay, assistant professors.
The competition, sponsored by the Foundation for Financial Service Professionals, was at the organization’s Arizona Institute in Phoenix. The team submitted a paper on “Rapid rise: Growth potential and changing business practices of U.S. financial services professions.” They researched and analyzed three professional career paths, the skills needed to be successful in those careers and the value of peer relationships.
The three teams with the best manuscripts were invited to present.
“We are really proud of this team’s hard work and the manner in which they represented K-State in this national competition,” Heckman said.
“This was our first time participating in this competition so their performance was outstanding and the experience provided the students with national exposure to professionals in our field. We are looking forward to next year’s competition!”