Financial support of PFP students can make a big difference in their lives and professional development. It is our pleasure to highlight the story of a recent graduate, Sam Honey, who benefited greatly from the generous support of our alumni and friends. Honey received funding to become a member of NAPFA and attend the national NAPFA conference and FPA national conference. The spring 2014 graduate works in financial planning in St. Louis.

Here’s his story:
As a student, I viewed conferences solely as an opportunity to find work or to form connections with professionals, which would ultimately lead to work opportunities. Gratefully, that did happen to me… eventually. In reflection, conferences did much more than that. I received exposure to a profession and culture which I could hardly learn about in the classroom. Conferences helped me craft a vision for my future career and made it much easier for me to identify the firm that I wanted to work for. Without the support of many people, these opportunities would not have been available to me. I hope that future students have the same (and even greater) opportunities that I had as a student.
As you read in Sam Honey’s story, exposure to the culture and the industry would not have been possible without the help of our donors.
To explore ways to give to the program, contact Dana Hunter, development officer for the College of Human Ecology, at the Kansas State University Foundation, 2323 Anderson Ave., Suite 500, Manhattan, KS 66502, or 800-432-1578. You can also give online. We thank you for your past loyal and generous contributions to Kansas State University and Personal Financial Planning.