In the fall 2014, two Ph.D. candidates successfully defended their dissertations.
Anita K. Dale’s work was on “The Association of Culture with Financial Satisfaction.” She recently retired as an executive with Valent USA Corporation in Indianapolis and is pursuing faculty opportunities in personal financial planning.
If you are interested in supporting the Personal Financial Planning Program at Kansas State University, please contact Dana Hunter, development officer for the College of Human Ecology, at the Kansas State University Foundation, 2323 Anderson Ave., Suite 500, Manhattan, KS 66502, or 800-432-1578. Or give online. Thank you for your past loyal and generous support of K-State and Personal Financial Planning.
The K-State Personal Financial Planning Newsletter is published quarterly for current students, alumni, faculty and friends. If you have news to share (career promotions or new positions, awards, research presented or published), please email Ron Sages at We look forward to your submissions.
Most of the new advisory board met in Justin Hall on the K-State campus this fall.
The Kansas State University Institute for Personal Financial Planning has recently established an advisory board of local, regional and national practitioners in the personal financial planning field. The purpose of the advisory board will be to:
Promote the name and mission of the IPFP Program consistent with the University’s initiatives,
Assist PFP faculty and staff in furthering the goals and mission of the undergraduate, graduate, certificate and doctoral curricula,
Support and represent the interests of the IPFP program through student recruitment, student internships and industry trends,
Connect IPFP faculty and students with the surrounding professional community,
Connect IPFP alumni with the program and maintain engagement,
Enhance the visibility of the IPFP program throughout Kansas and nationally.
In addition to IPFP faculty members, the board is comprised of Amy Guerich, chairperson, (Stepp & Rothwell, Kansas City); Jamie Bosse, CFP® (KHC Wealth Management, Kansas City); Jeff Bratz, CFP®, (HJN Advisors, LLP, Des Moines, IA); Jayson Cyr, CPA (Manhattan, KS); Eli Sallman, CFP®, AFIM® (The Trust Company, Manhattan, KS); Larie Schoap (ESB Trust, Manhattan, KS); Marc Shaffer, AIF®, CFP®, EA (Searcy Financial Services, Kansas City); and Jamel Wilcox (K-State Credit Union, Manhattan, KS).
Martin Seay, Ph.D., CFP®, assistant professor of personal financial planning, and Elizabeth Kiss, Ph.D., assistant professor and Extension specialist in family resource management, collaborated on a fact sheet and teaching guide about reverse mortgages to help consumers understand the three ways to get cash from their home; understand the difference between forward mortgages, reverse mortgages and home equity loans; know what factors to consider when evaluating a reverse mortgage; and become familiar with the product features, eligibility requirements, costs, available loan amounts and borrower obligations of the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM), the most common reverse mortgage product. Continue reading “New online resource available: Understanding Reverse Mortgages: Do They Make Sense for You?”→