Cole Foster is a personal financial planning major with a minor in business. Cole was co-president of the K-State Financial Planning Association and developed two unique fundraisers to benefit the local community. He was a member of a team that won the Financial Planning Association’s national financial planning competition in 2015. Cole spent two years as a lifegroup leader with Christian Challenge and is the recipient of the College of Human Ecology’s outstanding senior award for leadership.
Miranda McMahon is a personal financial planning major with a minor in business administration. Miranda was a member of the Financial Planning Association, K-State’s Financial Planning Association and the Professional Advantage Program through the College of Business. She is a peer counselor and a member of the Student Advisory Council for Powercat Financial Counseling. Miranda volunteers her financial expertise at Shepard’s Crossing, a local nonprofit and is the recipient of the College of Human Ecology’s outstanding senior award for engagement.
Hannah Rice is a personal financial planning major with a minor in business. Hannah has conducted research with faculty and a doctoral candidate regarding the integration of physical and mental wellness with money and finances. With this research, Hannah coauthored a chapter in a health and wellness book, WholeFIT: Wellness for Life. She was a member of a team that won the Financial Planning Association’s national financial planning competition in 2015, which took over six months of preparation. Hannah is the recipient of the College of Human Ecology’s outstanding senior award for research and creative scholarship.

Sevda Tasci is a personal financial planning major with a minor in business. She is a member of the Financial Planning Association, the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education, the Society of Financial Service Professionals and has served as president of K-State’s Financial Planning Association. Sevda has participated in the College of Human Ecology’s professional mentoring program and is a recipient of FSP’s Excellence in Financial Education Award. She received the College of Human Ecology’s outstanding senior award on the K-State Polytechnic campus.
Cole, Miranda and Hannah are May 2016 graduates and Sevda will graduate in December 2016, all with bachelors of science degrees in personal financial planning. We’re excited to see where they go as they begin their careers!