Kansas State University


Personal Financial Planning

Doctoral students present research in Belgium and the Netherlands

Travelers were (front row from left) Kelly Williams, Jaime Blue, Racquel Tibbets, Kristen Stutz, Sara Berkowicz, George Nabeshima, and Kristy Archuleta; (back row from left) Host Robert van Beek, Cliff Robb, Guest Oskar Barendse, Ed Horwitz, Host Wim Biemans and Anthony Canale.

The 2011 Doctoral Cohort traveled to Europe in May with Associate Professors Kristy L. Archuleta and Cliff Robb as part of the capstone course examining international personal finance.

Each of the nine students presented research aligned with their planned dissertation topic at either the University of Antwerp School of Business in Brussels, Belgium, or at a meeting of the Financial Planning Standards Board at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Continue reading “Doctoral students present research in Belgium and the Netherlands”

New faces: PFP welcomes new faculty, school director

Maurice M. MacDonald and Stuart J. Heckman have joined the Manhattan faculty of personal financial planning this fall, and Roxanne Martens and George Belin have joined the Salina faculty.

They bring the total number of full-time faculty members to nine. The program has three part-time faculty members.

The School of Family Studies and Human Services also welcomed Dorothy (Dottie) Bagwell Durband as director. Continue reading “New faces: PFP welcomes new faculty, school director”

Congratulations to our new graduates

Recent graduates include two new Ph.D.s and seven earning their master’s degrees.

Spring graduates with a Master of Science in Personal Financial Planning through the Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance (GPIDEA) were Michael Ballard, Hector Bones-Rivera, Daniel Da Ponte, Deborah Doucet, Angela McCorkle, Nicole Wimbish and Michael Zurek. Continue reading “Congratulations to our new graduates”

News: Financial therapy certificate programs first in nation

The first cohort of financial therapy students will begin classes this fall.

Kristy Archuleta

The certificate program provides graduate-level educational training to both financial and mental health professionals who want to improve clients’ financial health by integrating relational, behavioral, cognitive and emotional elements with personal finance, according to Kristy Archuleta, associate professor and licensed marriage and family therapist who has spent her career bridging financial planning and marriage and family therapy to form financial therapy. Continue reading “News: Financial therapy certificate programs first in nation”

News: Reed Financial funds undergraduate scholarships

Jim Reed, president and founder of Reed Financial Services based in Cleveland, Ohio, donated $15,000 to the K-State Personal Financial Planning Program to be awarded as undergraduate scholarships during the 2014-15 academic year.

In 1984 he founded Reed Financial Services is a fee-only financial planning, wealth management, and investment management firm. Continue reading “News: Reed Financial funds undergraduate scholarships”

News: Donation to fund pilot Series 7 preparation course

The Personal Financial Planning Program has received a $5,000 donation from Edward Jones in St. Louis to conduct an online pilot course for Series 7 Preparation. The Series 7 license is required of all individuals who function as registered representatives within broker-dealer financial service firms.

The course curriculum is being provided in a partnership with Securities Training Corporation (STC) based in New York City and will be taught online by K-State PFP faculty during the fall semester. Continue reading “News: Donation to fund pilot Series 7 preparation course”

Three compile financial therapy book

A comprehensive introduction to the emerging field of financial therapy by Brad Klontz, Sonya L. Britt and Kristy L. Archuleta will be published this month by Springer Publishing Company.

Financial Therapy: Research, Practice, and Policy, the first comprehensive textbook on financial therapy, will feature chapters by academic researchers from around the United States. It explores a wide variety of models and theories of financial therapy, covers ethical considerations in the profession, and offers practice tools for financial therapists and financial planners.