Three members of the PFP’s first cohort that began in the summer of 2009 successfully defended their dissertations this academic year. They are: Brett A. Coffman, Ph.D., CFBA, CFP®, (December 2013); Nicholas A. Carr, Ph.D., CIMA® (March 2014); and Justin M. Henegar, Ph.D., CFP®, ChFC, CRPC® (April 2014).
The new doctoral degree program graduates and their research are:
Brett Coffman
Dissertation: “The Family Business Succession Model: An Exploratory Analysis of Factors Impacting Family Business Succession Preparedness.”
Summary: The efficient operation and succession of family owned businesses plays a critical role in our national economic health. This study built upon the Family Business Succession Model, which is based on family systems theory. Continue reading “Three earn Doctor of Philosophy degrees” →