Kansas State University


Personal Financial Planning

Expert in ethics and philanthropy to visit campus

Gary A. Morris CFP® will speak on consequences of unethical behavior in financial planning in April. His visit to campus is sponsored through a grant to Personal Financial Planning through the Academic Excellence Funds in the Office of the Provost.

Morris, who specializes in ethics and philanthropy, has a financial investment advisory firm headquartered in Hong Kong.

He will speak at the 10th annual KSU Foundation Insurance and Financial Advisors Continuing Education Conference (IFACE) on April 23. The next day he will visit with PFP students about life as a financial planner, both in the U.S. and abroad.

If you are interested in hearing Gary Morris’s presentation and earning CFP Board approved continuing education credits in ethics, you may register at http://www.found.k-state.edu/iface/.

The conference is Tuesday, April 22, and Wednesday, April 23, at the K-State Alumni Center. Contact Cathy Barr at 785-532-7531 with questions.


Our students make us proud

Mary Bell PhD.

Mary Bell became the program’s third doctoral graduate in 2013. She now serves as the Director of Program Development at the National Association of Counties (NACo) based in Washington, D.C. 

She will be a presenter at the Tuesday, March 11, at the K-State Educational and Family Initiatives Symposium at Fort Riley. Her topic is “Game changers: How soldiers’ rank and deployment status affect their financial behaviors, knowledge and anxiety.” Continue reading “Our students make us proud”

Names in the news

Several faculty members serve as editors or editorial board members of professional journals. They are:

  • Kristy Archuleta, editor of Journal of Financial Therapy and editorial board, Journal of Financial Planning;
  • Sonya Britt, editorial review boards of Journal of Financial Therapy and Italian Journal of Sociology of Education;
  • Brad Klontz, editorial review boards of  Psychological Services and of Journal of Financial Therapy;
  • Cliff Robb, associate editor of Journal of Consumer Affairs, and editorial boards of Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Journal of Personal Finance and Journal of Financial Planning;
  • Ron Sages, editorial review boards of  Journal of Financial Planning and Journal of Financial Therapy; and
  • Martin Seay, editorial review board of Journal of Financial Planning. Continue reading “Names in the news”

A name of our own

PFP students will now graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in personal financial planning. The degree was previously a specialization within the School of Family Studies and Human Services.

“While the curriculum will remain largely the same, we anticipate that this change will better convey student’s training to prospective employers,” said Sonya Britt, program director.

Who’s who

Dean of the College of Human Ecology

John Buckwalter, Ph.D.

Director of the School of Family Studies and Human Services

Maurice MacDonald, Ph.D, professor

Personal Financial Planning Faculty

Sonya Britt, Ph.D., CFP®, director

Kristy Archuleta, Ph.D., associate professor

Ann Coulson, Ph.D., CFP®, assistant professor

Elizabeth Kiss, Ph.D., assistant professor

Cliff Robb, Ph.D., associate professor Continue reading “A name of our own”

Your support matters

Friends and alumni make a difference in the lives of our students in many ways. They offer internships, travel to Manhattan to talk to classes, hire graduates, help guide the program and donate financial support. To explore ways to give to the Personal Financial Planning program, contact Jennifer Rettele-Thomas, senior development director for the College of Human Ecology, at the Kansas State University Foundation, 2323 Anderson Ave., Suite 500, Manhattan, Ks. 66502, or jenniferr@found.ksu.edu or 800-432-1578 or 785-532-7592.

Learn more about PFP, the School of Family Studies and Human Services or the College of Human Ecology.

Britt outlines goals; Robb, Seay join faculty

Martin Seay and Cliff Robb are among the new faces in PFP.

Personal Financial Planning has added two new faculty members and articulated goals as it prepares to meet the challenges of providing premier technologically advanced education, increasing financial literacy among students, and conducting cutting edge practical research.

One of our primary short-term goals is to grow the size of our undergraduate degree program to at least 100 students within the next three years to meet the growing demand for financial planners, said Sonya Britt, Ph.D., CFP ® and program coordinator.

Martin Seay and Cliff Robb joined the program this semester.

Robb, associate professor who was on the faculty at the University of Alabama, is a specialist in financial literacy (with an emphasis on the relationship between financial knowledge and observable financial behavior), college student financial behavior, and financial satisfaction and well-being.

Seay, assistant professor who earned his Ph. D. in housing and consumer economics with an emphasis on family financial planning from the University of Georgia, specializes in the intersection of housing wealth and family Continue reading “Britt outlines goals; Robb, Seay join faculty”

A year of firsts: National champions, PhD grad No. 1, military partner, on and on

Team of winners: Wende Witthuhn, standing, Kristen Moore and Matt Gould.

Students win

For the fifth time in 12 years, K-State students won the championship of the National Collegiate Financial Planning competition. Team members, all seniors in personal financial planning, are Matt Gould, Wende Witthuhn and Kristen Moore.

Ann Coulson, assistant professor in the School of Family Studies and Human Services, was the team’s adviser.

The team won $10,000 for scholarships in the personal financial Continue reading “A year of firsts: National champions, PhD grad No. 1, military partner, on and on”