Kansas State University


Personal Financial Planning

PFP Advisory Board met in April

At its semi-annual meeting on campus in April, the PFP Advisory Board heard about news in the program:

Stu Heckman, PhD, CFP®, assistant professor, reported that a team of students—Mariah Bausch, Cole Foster, and Andy Rao — competed in the financial planning competition hosted by the Society of Financial Service Professionals in Phoenix in January and won second place which included $3,000 for scholarships. PFP plans to compete annually in this competition.

Cliff Robb, associate professor, recently became the adviser to FPA K-State student group and has been working on building cohesiveness and raising money. The undergraduate FPA Chapter sponsored a bowling night, a dodgeball tournament and the May 1 Financial Planning Day. Student leadership and involvement has increased substantially reflecting the student group’s efforts.

Martin Seay, assistant professor, taught a pro bono class Spring Semester that was offered to undergraduate students interested in providing financial counseling to low income individuals through Shepherd’s Crossing in Manhattan.

PFP undergraduate students from Manhattan and Salina campuses attended an etiquette dinner sponsored by Mariner Wealth Advisors in the K-State Student Union. Students had the opportunity to learn skills to help prepare them for job interviews.

The fall meeting of the PFP Advisory Board will be Nov. 4 in Manhattan.