A continual and enthusiastic “thank you” for your interest in our program here at K-State. With your help we will continue to rank among the top financial planning programs in the nation.
Among the ways you can help us thrive in teaching, research and outreach are:
- Refer top students to K-State. This year we are planning a Prospective Student Day on campus. Interested high school seniors and juniors will be paired with undergraduate students to experience a day in the PFP program. The high school students also will meet faculty and explore K-State. Information will be posted on the Institute for Financial Planning website.
- Contribute to our quarterly e-newsletter. Tell us about your career promotions or new positions, awards, research presented and published. Send to Ron Sages at rasages@k-state.edu. We look forward to hearing from you.
- Join us on social media: Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/kstateipfp. Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/kstateipfp.
- Financial support from friends and alumni of Personal Financial Planning makes a difference in the lives of our students in many ways. To explore ways to give to the program, including online giving options, contact Dana Hunter, development officer for the College of Human Ecology, at the Kansas State University Foundation, 2323 Anderson Ave., Suite 500, Manhattan, Ks. 66502, or danah@found.ksu.edu or 800-432-1578.